The h0ur is alm0st up0n us. The final chapter, the last leg, the big g00dbye its all happening, in a little ab0ut 6 h0urs fr0m n0w ( i thiink, I suck at translating timez0nes…)
y0u can watch the landing live 0n NASA TV. but d0nt expect t0 see much, as it will be an early m0rning landing 0ver there, night visi0n cameras are 0ur friends..
NASA TV – http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html
NASA Final Shuttle Mission Page – http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/135_splash/index.html
Landing is at 5:56am US Eastern time. It is 11:30pm US Eastern time right n0w.. d0 the math, I just w0ke up =p
Atlantis als0 yesterday released the space shuttle pr0gram’s 180th and final payl0ad, the Picosat, a 5” by 5” by 10” miniature satellite techn0l0gy dem0nstrati0n and evalauati0n.
Here’s t0 a safe landing f0r Atlantis and its crew. Thanks f0r the mem0ries and every ag0nizing launch. We will never have t0 fear giant chunks 0f f0am again!