So I was just thinking, and taking a look at things on the left, about how we create “Popular Content”.
A couple of years ago I think, n0mad made a very successful post in regards to Borderlands. That racked up something like 20,000 page views in a reasonably short amount of time.
I just took note of one of my older lunar eclipse posts has been getting a fair few hits each day lately. Over the course of the life of the blog post, 2 years, its brought up 5,000 page views.
Okay now sure, that’s barely a drop in the bucket floating in the ocean that is the interwebz, but for a small site like ours, potentially 5,000 viewers to our site could only be good advertising for Team IPX. I ain’t talkin about $$$ revenue here, just simply exposure.
So what is it that gets us these pageviews? The way I see it, it simply has to be the keywords we use .That’s how search engines do their trick. n0mad hit the nail on the head SOMEHOW. Linking I suspect plays a part in it as well?