
Sha8doW's picture

Shads Party Update

Sorry for the blog, but need to ensure everyone sees this
(I have also updated the 30th Birthday challenge page)

Save the Date dealies have been sent – this contains VITAL information. (accommodation, under 18s, kids etc etc)
The GROUP email has been sent to peoples Email Accounts which are registered against their TEAM IPX login! – So if you haven’t got it, check there… if you still dont have it, let me know!


300 Svalbards for the 1st Member, Honorary, BoD & Founder who responds (fuzz excluded lol)
100 Free svalbards to everyone who responds (even saying NO or I’m under 18)

been challanged on Cyber Gamer for bc2

Challenged by Aussie Soldiers waiting on us to accept.

They lost there last game 1-4 against Death Inc so should be an easy win.


Portal Short Film

I would watch this. Not only is it an awesome game but even based off the short film i would see it.

n0mad's picture

Borderlands Steam 75% Off

Borderlands Special

Borderlands Steam 75% Off
sum great value there….

Grab me 0n steam I’m up 4 a game…..


IPX game base increases

We now have a LoL 3v3 entry on CG. We only have a couple of us playing for the moment, but best of luck to all the boys (oh and maybe girl)!

Battlefield 3 New multiplayer video

This make the game look really good. Not only is there jets and more animated knifeing but it still looks like it will take 1/2 a clip to kill some one (ie. not HC mode).

The map looks big but big enough for jets and helis. But you also looks like you have ground support like a VADS gun.

Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Delta2Alpha

i was looking on the interwebs and i foud this


n0mad's picture

n0mad's must ann0unce Links 5by5

n0mad’s links f0r the week 5by5;

1) – Skyrim c0lledt0r’s editi0n is 0n it’s way and I have pre0rdered mine (Steam versi0n n0 m0d supp0rt)…
2) – w0rld 0f Planes Did U enj0y W0rld 0f Tanks ? well this is fr0m the same Team….
3) – B0rderlands 2 better have a better ending 0r we unleash the SHAD
4) – Three Awesome Non-Apple Tablets screw U APPLE I eat Apples f0r…. Wait I hate Apples :P ….
5) – Final Destination 5 c0mming s00n 2 cinema’s near U….

Well that’s my 5by5 whats y0urs ?


Fuzz's picture

Casey Jones: The Movie

What the? Casey Jones is getting his own movie.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle’s buddy with the hockey stick has got his own film. An Indie film by Polaris Banks that also features Michaelangelo.
Based on characters created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books, Casey Jones is the story of a brutal vigilante who vows to single-handedly rid his neighborhood of crime. Armed with a golf bag loaded with clubs and sporting a fearful hockey mask, Casey stalks the alleyways by night, mercilessly trouncing any delinquents unlucky enough to cross his path, until an unlikely ally from the sewers is forced to intervene.

Seriously? How did I not see this coming? Quality looks average, probably a fan film, but… it’s Casey!

THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED – Anyone under 18 you have been warned. It’s reasonably violent.

Hashy's picture

R18+ Classification Looks Good to Go!


l00ks like the R18+ Classificati0n f0r vide0 games is g00d t0 g0 after NSW Attorney General finally b0wing t0 the maj0rity..

c0nsider this a win f0r c0mm0n sense.

What are y0ur views ab0ut this matter? d0 y0u think this is really necessary? h0w is it g0ing t0 affect us?

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