It is with great pleasure that we announce that the much awaited GameArena Rush Ladder has now opened up for signups.
Several weeks ago we opened the GameArena forums up to the community, to gauge interest in the mode and a rule set for a Rush ladder.
Since then we’ve had a lot of interest from teams and individuals and also much feedback from the community on all of these points.
The Rush ladder was always going to be put together from the earliest days of the games release as long as we could find a way to score and police a ruleset for the game.
We believe that the input from the community and the efforts of the Admin staff and the Ops, we have a ladder that players of all skill levels can play in and enjoy and are not overly complicated with stuffy rules.
The major differences between these rules and the Conquest ladder is in the scoring and the mode.
The ladder is called the “Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Rush Ladder”.