In light 0f the 7.0-7.2 magnitude Earthquake in Christchurch this m0rning (4:35am, 4:30am is c0nsequently, the average time 0f death in the w0rld… well.. s0 they say..) I am calling f0r updates and revis0ns f0r the Team IPX Contact List which I have started devel0ping.
Emergencies always bring calls f0r changes t0 the way things are d0ne. It is h0w we learn. After 9/11, new buildings were c0nstructed, designed t0 withstand the impact 0f an airliner, and the subsequent fires pr0duced fr0m *cough*burning jet fuel.
After the Black Saturday fires in Victoria, things were re-thought and revised, because n0 system is perfect, and its 0nly when s0mething happens and it d0esnt w0rk quiet as it sh0uld that things are impr0ved. Quiet simply, imaginati0n is needed, and we just can’t imagine everything that is needed bef0re hand.