Watch out Vettel

Australian Daniel Ricciardo sent an unmistakable message as he blitzed world F1 champion Sebastian Vettel’s Abu Dhabi grand prix pole time in testing.

Robag's picture

Happy birthday Milzy

It is not a red bull but close enought

have a good one


Microman's picture

Do you like black jelly beans?

40% (8 votes)
60% (12 votes)
Total votes: 20
Robag's picture

New Mumble Server is up and Running 1.2.2

umm here we go

here is the new mumble server address and port

please give it a go.

Kippa and Matt have the access token for the Match channel


Dirt 2 Team Challenge

Looking for interesting in starting a second dirt challenge which is based on team play and the lowest combined race time. Details will be ironed out if we get enough support

Team IPX Keen? Comment
Bloodstorm - -
Broadband Bandit - -
Chipper - -
Crazy_As - -
Deadite - -
Fuzz Yep -
HarassmentPanda - -
Hashy - -
Johnny5 - -
Kazozza - -
Kerrien - -
Killer - -
Kippa - -
Limpet yep -
Ltmon - -
Mattatuide Yep -
Microman Sure -
Milzy Keen! -
n0mad 4sh0re -
Proton Rifle - -
Robag - -
Sc0ut - -
Sha8doW Y, if available isn’t there a team mode?
Silentshadow - -
Spudinator yup -
StepUp - -
Temperance - -
Willow keen but unavailable :( -

Matt needs a NEW computer.

New computer time.

budget is $1500 – $2000, Dont need a case but everything else is fair game.
Only thing is Nvidia and Intel only please.
don’t need – keyboard,monitor, speakers.

Product _. Quantity _. Price _. Gst _. Total
1 $329.00 $29.91 $329.00
1 $133.00 $12.09 $133.00
1 $106.00 $9.64 $106.00
1 $194.00 $17.64 $194.00
1 $145.00 $13.18 $145.00
1 $115.00 $10.45 $115.00
1 $249.00 $22.64 $249.00

Places i can go

Black Ops

Just COD.

Same as COD4. Same sound and graphics.

eg.“Enemy care package”, spam, spam, die, rage quit.

EDIT: It is totally buggy, broken actually. Lols, do not buy this yet.

Hashy's picture

Tribes: Universe *Hashy Drools*


s0 I just stumbled up0n these happenings..

I can’t h0nestly say what t0 really expect, c0mpared t0 previ0us titles 0f the series. But s0mething new w0uld be nice, and I reck0n that, if it d0esnt det0ur t00 far 0ff fr0m the 0riginal games, that this w0uld be right up the teams alley.

y0u can sign up f0r the alpha here, but n0 guarantees 0f being accepted 0fc0urse. Give it a sh0t, sign up, and see what happens.

I will be keeping a cl0se eye 0n the devel0pment, and if accepted int0 the Alpha, will pass 0n my rec0mmendati0n t0 the rest 0f the team.

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