Fuzz's picture

IPX Ares?

Found this in my daily wanderings… strange.

For anyone that doesn’t know, Ares was an honorary member of Team IPX a few years back. More so on the old IPX site, but he was around for this site for a short while too.


1.24.22 on Novigrad is the new RallyX time to beat !!!!!!!!!!!!!
.32 secs quicker than you Matt ;<)#
And I was half cut lol ……………..
Can cut another.5 secs i rekon !!!!!
Couldn’t suss out how to get screen shot happenin though DOH !!!!!!!!!!!

Hashy's picture

Gliese 581 g


by n0w I’m sure m0st 0f y0u have heard 0f the disc0very 0f the planet Gliese 581 g. This is a planet that has the “p0tential” f0r sustaining water in a liquid state. Which basically means, it c0uld supp0rt life. But there are many unkn0wns still ab0ut Gliese 581 g

It is t00 early t0 tell, 0r assume, that life c0uld exist there. There are still many unkn0wn critical fact0rs that are yet t0 be determined. But it d0es appear t0 be fav0urable, and it is t0 date the best extra s0lar planetary candidate f0r supp0rting life.

Gliese 581 is a M3V class star. A red dwarf. it is l0cated 20.3-20.5 light years away fr0m us. The planet is estimated t0 be between 3 to 4 Earth “masses”. What this means is, the planet d0esn’t necessarily have t0 be 3-4 times m0re in diameter 0f the Earths. It may very well be 0nly twice the diameter 0f the Earth, which is still pretty big anyways.

Hashy's picture

Mission to Jupiter Completed


I spent the last week 0n an intensive missi0n t0 Jupiter in Orbiter. The wh0le trip t00k m0re then 8 years (I think?) 0f simulated time. This venture made my previ0us Mars missi0n seem relatively easy.

The missi0n was a trip t0 the Jovian System. Touring Jupiter’s 4 maj0r m00ns. The m0thership, the Arrow Freighter, was based 0n Io, Jupiter’s innerm0st m00n, and yes bef0re y0u say it, I am aware there’s s0 many milli0ns 0f amps 0r whatever fl0wing between Jupiter & Io, and that 2001 techn0l0gy c0uld never have survived blah blah blah… The Delta Glider IV visited Europa and c0nducted surface 0perati0ns, and later 0n, visited Jupiter’s tw0 0ther maj0r m00ns in 0rder, Ganymede & Callisto, and dr0pped science pr0bes 0nt0 the surface 0f each.

Arrow Freighter in Low Earth Orbit with DGIV docked in bay

Arrow Freighter leaving Earth Orbit, on the way to Jupiter

ltmon's picture

I remember the 80's, and they were awesome

No… wait, the other thing.

But he’s so funky!

n0mad's picture

Stuxnet w0rm

Newscientist – Article

The Stuxnet worm is different. It is the first piece of malware so far able to break into the types of computer that control machinery at the heart of industry, allowing an attacker to assume control of critical systems like pumps, motors, alarms and valves in an industrial plant.

The questi0n is will Siemens d0 anythink re there PLC Software…Simple answer NUP they have Passwords already…..

Symantec/Fitzgerald’s team found that 58.8 per cent of infections were in Iran, 18.2 per cent in Indonesia, 8.3 per cent in India, 2.6 per cent in Azerbaijan and 1.6 per cent in the US.

These numbers above s0und a bit fudged……

Who wrote the worm? No one knows.

Russians I say…………..

Life is Hard, Play Hard

Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Bl00d

So NZ and so Young

have a good one Bl00d


Kazashi's picture

Expressions of Interest: UT2004

Morning all.

I’m just looking for a quick show of hands (and maybe some discussion) from people who either have a copy of, or would be interested in playing, Unreal Tournament 2004.

Why do I ask now? I’ve had it installed for years, and jump in every now and then to play against the built-in bots (which is a good deal of fun in itself), but figure it would be nicer to have people to play with. It’s cross-platform, comes with a variety of game modes, and can be had for US$10 from Good Old Games (which can also be made to run natively in Linux), or as part of a bundle on Steam.

Any takers?

Edit: if you’d like to check it out before laying down some money, check out the demos at a place like this: http://games.on.net/filelist.php?app=76&menu=5 – it looks like GameArena is running a demo server to boot (plus 5 regular ones) in case people aren’t sure what to expect.

What BC2 is really like

n0mad's picture

GA Padman Servers GO MISSING


To All IPX please c0mment here t0 bring back the Padman Servers at GameArena



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