I need some stuff....

I’m looking to buy some new ram and maybe a new grafic’s card.
Budget for around $300 for both. I also still have 1, 2gb stick of ram left.

This is what i have atm
Kingston 2 × 2g hyper X kit
Nvidia 9800GT

The reason is that one of my sticks of ram shit itself so i need some more.

Rest of my computer:

Left 4 Dead 2 Cybergamer signup

Team IPX Signing up Comment
Bloodstorm Yea Why not
Broadband Bandit - -
Chipper - -
Crazy_As - -
Deadite - -
Johnny5 - -
Kerrien yes keeen
Killer - -
Kippa yes as soon as the kippa buys it …(within this week)
Limpet yes sub, if needed
Mattatuide Yes Sounds Good
Microman Yes Can’t Wait, Hopefully the times aren’t bad.
Milzy Yes -
Proton Rifle - -
Robag Eat Fresh Subway
Sc0ut - -
Sha8doW Yes How/Where?
Silentshadow - would u happen to drunk robag
Spudinator N Not that keen on the game
StepUp - -
Temperance No Dont own
Sha8doW's picture

/start rant


if you book a taxi to pick you up at 5:15, it means they are at your house at 5:15 give or take a few…. It does NOT mean they leave the depot, half an hour away, at 5:15

f-ing usless

anyone else had any bad taxi experiances, it might make my day a little better!

Should we enter a CyberGamer L4D2 IPX team

44% (7 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Dont own L4D2
25% (4 votes)
Not interested
31% (5 votes)
Total votes: 16

Team IPX vs rV.

9:00am friday morning i put a challenge into rV. to try and take 1st spot on the GA ladder.

Fastforward to 10:00am Sunday morning go and check the GA ladder and i find this.

New Honorary Member - Temperance

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted Temperance into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

Temperance is required to go through Induction. Please assist our new honorary in any way you can with this.

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gaming roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Broadband Bandit – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Crazy_As – IPX
Deadite – IPX
Broadband Bandit – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Johnny5 – IPX
Killer -IPX
Kippa – IPX
Limpet – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
Milzy – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Proton Rifle – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sc0ut – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX


Anyone playing it. Downloaded it yesterday.

Just testing this blog thingo as well. Hi guys.

Fuzz's picture

Duke Nukem: Next Gen

Looks like as well as the next Duke Nukem game, some fans are remaking the original Duke Nukem 3D using current day engines, and the plan is for a Multiplayer demo to come out “sooner than you think”… Now I’ll believe it when I see it, but still. Team IPX as it is in 2010, playing a good looking Duke Nukem game ONLINE – it wouldn’t get any better than that if you ask me.


ltmon's picture

W:ET starts looking prettier

Since ID Software kindly released the source code to RTCW2 and W:ET a few months ago there’s been a few efforts ongoing to port it to run better on more modern hardware and to fix some of the bugs.

The XReal project (http://xreal-project.net, mostly done by a single coder) has also been working on making it a whole lot prettier — at least from the engine point of view, he will still require some mappers and modellers to step up and fix the original textures and models to be of a higher standard. In any case, what has been achieved so far is quite impressive. The following shows off dynamic shadows:

New Honorary Member - Johnny5

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted Johnny5 into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

Johnny5 is required to go through Induction. Please assist our new honorary in any way you can with this.

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gaming roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Broadband Bandit – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Crazy_As – IPX
Deadite – IPX
Broadband Bandit – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Johnny5 – IPX
Killer -IPX
Kippa – IPX
Limpet – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
Milzy – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Proton Rifle – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sc0ut – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX
Spudinator – IPX

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