Spuds review - PREDATORS

Well I went to see predators on weds night !!!
Was pretty impressed ! The movie is pretty much action right from the start. Eight soldiers and or bad ass’s awaken to free falling to an alien planet ( nice way to start the day ). luckily paracutes are attached.
I can’t say too much about the storyline but there are also some interesting creatures other than the predators we all know n luv !
The effects are good as per usual with these shows and there are some good little surpises and twists to keep you on your toes.
Very much worth seeing before it’s out of the cinema run.
I gave it 8.5 out of 10 !!!!!!

Spuds joke of the week ;<)# - oops I missed a week !!!

Michael Jackson was apparently trying to launch a delivery business before he died !!!
It was going to be called “Boys to men” !!!!

Hashy's picture

Libs To "Dump" Net Filter Should Earn Your Vote!!!!


The net filter is g00d f0r y0u.. We need the g0vernment t0 watch everything were d0ing t0 keep us safe… b00000000000000oooooooooooewewewewew.


Hashy's picture

Battlefield Bad Company 2 For $69.99 USD On Steam? Goto Ebay!


s0, BFBC2 is.. $69.99 “USD” 0n steam? Screw that! I just b0ught it f0r $51.40 AUD 0ff 0f Ebay! I hate buying games and n0t getting a hard c0py 0f it & nice case, and I rather wait a little while t00. =p

It can g0 stand 0ver next t0 my “sh0rter” PS3 c0py 0f Bad Company 1 ;p

See yas in the game next week. Can sh0w me the r0pes, h0pe t0 j0in the c0mp when the next seas0n starts up! xD

Team IPX vs Requiem Gaming 3 stars

25% (1 vote)
25% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
50% (2 votes)
Total votes: 4
Microman's picture

Team _erNOZ_, and the bannings


I managed to score an account with the erNOZ website (I must have aliased!). Anyway, I posted this… Let’s see what happens.


IPX vs BIC Three Stars

0% (0 votes)
25% (1 vote)
50% (2 votes)
25% (1 vote)
Total votes: 4
Hashy's picture

Wheres Paul?

There he is.


This guy is just a “little” bit creepy.

team IPX vs Active Server Gamer

25% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
75% (3 votes)
Total votes: 4

Game time is now on Thursday 29/07/10 @ 8:30

So could everybody please update your availability in the challenge page

Thanks guys.

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