n0mad's picture

Happy Fathers Day

Just like to wish all the IPX Dad’s a Happy Fathers Day
and I trust they all got a special gift from there Wives and Daughters/Sons….

The n0mad Family

Hashy's picture

IPX Emergency Contact List versi0n 2


In light 0f the 7.0-7.2 magnitude Earthquake in Christchurch this m0rning (4:35am, 4:30am is c0nsequently, the average time 0f death in the w0rld… well.. s0 they say..) I am calling f0r updates and revis0ns f0r the Team IPX Contact List which I have started devel0ping.

Emergencies always bring calls f0r changes t0 the way things are d0ne. It is h0w we learn. After 9/11, new buildings were c0nstructed, designed t0 withstand the impact 0f an airliner, and the subsequent fires pr0duced fr0m *cough*burning jet fuel.
After the Black Saturday fires in Victoria, things were re-thought and revised, because n0 system is perfect, and its 0nly when s0mething happens and it d0esnt w0rk quiet as it sh0uld that things are impr0ved. Quiet simply, imaginati0n is needed, and we just can’t imagine everything that is needed bef0re hand.

My trip home

Firstly i went to the shops with my friends, luke and shamus. Luke needed to buy some more undies so me and shamus grabed some 7 yr old girl ones and gave them to him, as we did these old folks were death staring us.

After i left the shops i had to go to the chiropracter, where i found out that i had torn my quad tendon that goes over my knee (6 weeks recovery)he said because im so awsome at touch .

After that i went around the corner to get some take away for dinner, where this old dude was playing bingo with himself, even stranger he was cheering him self on.
I got the fuck out of there because he wouldnt stop staring at me.

My Dinner

Envy me.

Microman's picture

Do you plan to buy Brink?

83% (10 votes)
17% (2 votes)
Total votes: 12
Robag's picture

Happy Belated Birthday Tyler Jay aka Sha8doW the 2nd

omg has it been a year already + 1 day

for the IPXer’s who weren’t around Broken Water

Happy Birthday TJ



Hey guys just noticed before one of the polls from a few weeks ago is still running and keeps popping up on main page. Prob worth noting that when ya make the 3 star (or whatever the poll may be for) its worth putting and end date on so it dosnt stick round for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!

Microman's picture

Watch me Build the New Computer!

Hey Guys,

Fuzz bought up the idea of having a video conference so you could all help me build the computer. I’m not sure of the latency on ustream, but I have successfully managed to get it working.

I would use mumble for your input, so you don’t need ustream accounts. http://ustream.com/Microman171

Tiny Chat will be used: http://tinychat.com/microman171

I will start construction at 9:00pm NZDT. This is pretty late I must say. This way though, you guys will be able to watch (7:00pm AEDT).

It may not turn out as expected, I have watched ustream videos where I was about 5 minutes behind the action. I have managed to get skype working also, but I’m not sure 5 people on skype will be a good thing.

Please make a post below if you can make it.



EDIT: Friday Night! Sorry, forgot in my haste.

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