n0mad's picture

Christmas 2010 Gaming List

With Christmas ar0und the c0rner (Under 4 m0nths) what games are y0u awaiting t0 play ?

n0mad’s Pick

Padman V1.5
Great Free game, w0uld live in there if I had the ch0ice :P

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Impressions
RPG acti0n, If y0u haven’t played The Witcher Enhanced Edition I w0uld highly rec0mmend it
great gameplay and I w0uld have 2 say the best st0ry and adult c0ntent in a game I have ever played.

Diabl0 3
May n0t make this Christmas but here’s a vide0 fr0m Gamesc0m
that really explains where there team is at…….

s0 there’s my t0p 3, whats y0urs ?


Microman's picture

New Computer

Hey Guys,

My current Ubuntu machine is an ancient POS with an 800MHz Pentium 3, a no name graphics card, 512MB RAM (I filled the slots with 128MB PC133MHz), and a 40GB HDD. It usually works for web browsing and programming microcontrollers, but sometimes it randomly quits stuff, the display will crash to terminal, the whole computer will lock up, or it gets really slow. It runs Ubuntu 9.10 rather well for such an ancient thing.

Fuzz's picture

A brief history of Svalbard Governor Maximoto

For anyone not in the know, Per Sefland Maximoto is the current evil Governor of Svalbard. Not many know what he did before this. This is his story:


ltmon's picture

Some Padman news

A nice little teaser for the next version of WoP: apparently being released this coming December!


New Graphics card for Kippa

so im looking for a new graphics card relativly cheap … (kfc wages :P)
i was looking at this one so far http://www.umart.com.au/pro/products_listnew.phtml?id=10&id2=82&bid=2&si...
anyone have some thoughts

Cheers Kippa

ON3 Logitech Squad Rush Tournament time table

ame Times
All time is in NZ time

Times and dates for our matches are up.

Round 1: Valparaiso
1-3: Deadly Combination vs. Team IPX – Sunday 05/09/2010 – 21:30 (7:30pm aest)

Round 2: Laguna Presa
1-2: Dickbutt vs. Team IPX – Thursday 09/09/2010 – 20:00 (6:00pm aest)

Round 3: Port Valdez
1-4: BlackWatch A vs. Team IPX – Wednesday 15/09/2010 – 21:30 – SERVER #8 (7:30pm aest)

Round 4: Laguna Alta
1-1: Team IPX vs. Team Epic – Thursday 16/09/2010 – 20:00 (6:00pm aest)

Round 5: Panama Canal
1-1: Team IPX vs. Axios Clan – Sunday 19/09/2010 – 20:00 (6:00pm aest)

Round 6: Valparaiso
1-4: Team IPX vs. GummyBears – Sunday 26/10/2010 – 21:30 (7:30pm aest)

Round 7: Atacama Desert
1-1: Afflicted vs. Team IPX – Wednesday 29/09/2010 – 20:00 (6:00pm aest)

n0mad's picture

Tomorrow, When the War Began


Well where t0 start,
Have I seen it – n0,
d0 I want 2 see it – Yes
It’s Australian :P

Full review here
s0 whats my gut feeling here, well as a fan 0f Steel Dawn and allr0und surviv0r m0vies
I h0pe there might be sum fun t0 be had here, it is shame that the acti0n budget maybe l0w but asl0ng as they win
(Well s0me0nes gunna get captured) and I C sum real surviv0r battle plans this c0uld be abit 0f fun………
s0 any0ne else gunna check this 0ut ?

Actually I was ment t0 menti0n Red Dawn ab0ve but put in an0ther fav0rite 0f mine Steel Dawn,
anyway if y0u haven’t seen Red Dawn check0ut the link ab0ve 0r g0 hire it as it’s a great Surviv0r m0vie………
“Get the 12 gauge and l0ts 0f batteries”


Sha8doW's picture

Dirt2 Colin McRae - Corrupt Autosave file savegame fix

I turn on the game today to find my “Autosave file corrupt”
Boy was I pissed having almost completed the game…

Did a little Google work… found a solution

1. Copy the “savegame” folder (documents/my games/Dirt2/savegame) to a safe place.
2. Start the game and create a new profile (yay for unskippable cut scenes and setups) complete the first race (win or lose doesn’t matter)
4. Quit the game.
5. Open the new “savegame” folder, paste your old “PB” folders in this new folder.
6. Open the new “autosafe” folder and paste your old “PGRRLTKJNZI” file in this new folder.

Problem fixed, as far as i can see NO loss of information

(that will learn me for hitting the X button to shut the game down from now on aye)

Kazashi's picture

Game Giveaway Competition

Just a quick note to let anyone interested know that for the next couple of days Linux Game Publishing is holding a competition where you could win a free game.

I don’t plan on entering because they’re using some obscure service called Twitter (and something even moreso called identi.ca), but if anyone here is interested in a (pretty good) chance of winning their choice of several games from X2 and X3 to Sacred: Gold to Shadowgrounds and Shadowgrounds: Survivor, then go and do whatever that link tells you, which is something called retweeting.

As the name implies, these are games for Linux, and despite being downloadable they are full titles. So go win some stuff (or even buy something!).

Robag's picture

Important Message for BF2 and BF 2142 August 25

BY: zh1nt0 POSTED: Aug 23, 2010, 01:17AM COMMENTS: 19 (Login Required to Comment)

This is a quick and friendly notice about GameSpy ‘s future datacenter move. They’re on track for a move date of Wednesday, August 25 starting at 10:00 p.m. (22:00) Pacific Daylight Time. This will affect BF2 and BF2142 and they will be offline for approximately 6 hours starting at that time.

This is not a patch for either Battlefield 2 or Battlefield 2142.

All played stats and accounts will remain unchanged during this transfer.

Thanks very much, and have a fantastic week.


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