The Almighty Chewbacca dropped by the teams IRC Channel today to present the highest order that can be bestowed upon an Honorary Member as the Voting Team IPX Founders have Promoted Robag to Member.
Robag has been promoted to the status of “Member” for services performed to Team IPX, his dedication to multiple facets of Team IPX’s endeavors and importantly his efforts in the training and development of honorary members.
Chewbacca had this to say to Robag
“oaoowhrrrcraaohuanraaoahoowhc rcoorhrarr
Submitted by Bloodstorm on Fri, 20/02/2009 - 07:39
Been talking to one of my mates from teamsidewinder (They the top NZ team for everything) and they are looking at entering ausy/nz tornys for L4D. As IPX obvously has a large interest in the game and more that 4 active players perhaps we should like into this?
Also he said that there has been a big patch for Front Lines fuel of war. (Flopped big time on release cos the developers thought we liked bugs) Aparently all the bad things about the game have been fix so im gonna load it up somtime this weekend and check its out. Will put a report up after ive had a play.
Discuss possible alternative dates/times here. If things conflict with any ladder matches, we can shuffle things around abit.
Server: Most likely will be the usual, GamesArena Spray Server, or the Balloons server as backup in the event of issues. Probably wont mess around with our own server for this one, maybe in the future, but the GA servers have been fairly good and reliable.
Mumble is recommended, we’ve used Skype often in the past for this, however there were almost always issues with that, usually for whoever was hosting the convo.