Robag's picture

Happy Birthday Shad


One more year on the clock Shad, enjoy the day Buddy

may the Force be with you


Robag's picture

It's that time again Steam Sale Time

Come get some

You know where to go peeps Steam

hmmm Chivalry



Sha8doW's picture

Knights of the Knetwork - KoK

09/07/2013 20:00
09/07/2013 20:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 

I’m calling upon all of the knights of the knetwork of IPX to represent our esoteric order in our pubstack quest for the holy grail
We will hack and slash our way with honor in a rotation of team objective and end it off with a round or 2 of free for all (with fists)
If you’ve got a copy and can make it, it will be a heap of head lopping fun!

(if you don’t have the game, and wanna play, hit me up… I’ve got a spare copy)

Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Shad Yes For Ye IPX Order
Dan Maybe! Laser tag is at 5, so I’ll come back after.
Robag Yes Burn the villagers….
Sanga Maybe I’ll try and talk to mum about staying at her place, hopefully I can! Will update ASAP!
Dourger14 Yes No comment, slashy slash
chipper Y pillagin time!
PerfectSanga's picture

40 Hour Famine!

Afternoon Everyone!! (: I just wanted to put this up, maybe hoping anyone on here can help me! (: I’m raising money, for people in other countries, for the 40 hour famine, I’m going without furniture. (I wanted to do food but my mum didn’t let me) I was just wondering, if maybe, for a good cause, you would sponsor a bit of money? Even if its only $2 anything can help, my goal is $150, but if I get enough people I can make it happen. If you cant, thats okay! All i ask is to spread my donations to just one or two people! But if you can, then this is a link to my page, where donations can be made! Anything helps! Really (:

Thank you everyone! – Sanga

Robag's picture

Happy birthday Fuzz

One more year on the clock Fuzz have a good one Buddy


Kazozza's picture

Steam game bulk packs

So I see the new Deadpool game is out, as it the new Rise of the Triad.
Anyone keen to go in on a bundle pack for ROTT? Works out to about $11 each…

Flick me an email if you’re keen, I hardly check here these days.

Sha8doW's picture

Funny Find = Game Give Away

LoL – looking back at my recent blog history, it may appear that I am buying friends…


I was off with my young bloke, as he is sick today. He has been watching the ‘NEW’ version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… So feeling nostalgic – I argued with my 6yr old that the NEW turtle van isnt as good as the OLD turtle van…

Google Images gave me THIS piece of GOLD – I spat my drink

WTF hey?

So while you clean up your drink… Drop me a message here and i’ll gift you 1 of 3 copies of that War of the Roses game which I piked up in a 4 pack (Its like a lame Chivalry)

chipper's picture

Chickens smarter than toddlers

breaking news


IT IS easy to dismiss them as bird brains, but chickens may be cleverer than toddlers.

Studies show that chicks can master skills including numeracy and self-control – and even basic structural engineering.

Typically, it takes children until the age of four to accomplish some of these feats.

Christine Nicol, the Bristol University professor of animal welfare who reviewed 20 years of research on the topic, said it was wrong to think of chickens as being stupid. Instead, the birds have ‘many hidden depths’.

Chickens exhibit intelligent behaviour within just a few hours of hatching, Professor Nicol says.

Robag's picture

Steam Game Sharing Planned? [09:27 am ET]

A thread on NeoGAF notes some code in the new Steam beta suggesting Valve is planning to allow Steam users to select games to share with a circle of friends. This is confirmed on Kotaku, where they say Valve has not yet responded to the report (not a shock since their story went up at 3:00 am on the west coast). Here is the code in question:

“SteamUI_JoinDialog_SharedLicense_Title” “Shared game library”
“SteamUI_JoinDialog_SharedLicenseLocked_OwnerText” “Just so you know, your games are currently in use by borrower. Playing now will send borrower a notice that it’s time to quit.”
“SteamUI_JoinDialog_SharedLicenseLocked_BorrowerText” “This shared game is currently unavailable. Please try again later or buy this game for your own library.”

now this could make me like steam……


PerfectSanga's picture

Left 4 Dead 2

30/06/2013 20:00
Challenge Details
Left 4 Dead 2
Challenge Type: 
Team IPX

For all those L4D2 lovers come and play for an awesome night of shooting dem zambies! :3 Going to play a few versus maps, depending on interest (:

Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Sanga Yes Keen as a bean for this! Haven’t played L4D2 in a loooong time!
Somtin Yes Time for zombie killing fun time!
Fuzz Yes Very keen to survive the zombie horse. This should be good practice.
Robag opps omg i am in VIC
Dan Y Versus?
Shad Y Is this open to NON IPXers, but on mumble?
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