m0rning well thus ends E3 F0r 2013 And what a year t0 C0me f0r gaming s0 Much crap & big pr0mises and as we kn0w very little substance…….And we have;
Mad Max s0unds like an idea but will It really B m0re than a c00l Idea NBA 2K 2014 gets better l00king with each NBA release and this 0ne may ever get my hard earned cash
Saints Row IV l00ks awsum but deep d0wn Its n0 3 With m0ds [Yep Saints Row 3 Is better than GTA. I said It]
Batllefield 4 And DayZ Standal0ne I am ch00sing DayZ s0 Much t0 L0se with every enc0unter
Witcher 3 RPG finally m0ves t0 An 0pen w0rld and yes n0 Real difference t0 N0 2 But n0w free r0aming is all0wed
Dragon Age an0ther RPG but it still h0lds y0ur hand t0 The next r00m/Battle
The Elder Scrolls Online may just be skyrim 0nline and that may just be 0k…
Batman Arkam Origins may just be the best Batman game t0 C0me t0 PC
Awesomenauts! For those who don’t know what it is, see the game page.
It’s available on steam for $10 and if you’re fast (10 hours left at the time of posting this) you can get the humble bundle 8 and get Awesomenauts plus about 10 other games for around $7
Now this is a bit of experiment as I’m not sure how I’m going to do this, hence the large amount of time until the challenge date. The problem is that Awesomenauts is restricted to 3 vs 3 and so only 6 people can play at a time. So, if for example we have 12 people who want to play, this works out great. 4 teams of 3, swapping between each other going at it. If we have less, we’ll have to figure something out with bots filling the gaps. In any case, a show of hands of interest is required! If you can’t make it for some reason other then lack of interest, please mention that so I know that you’re interested, but just can’t make it.
Without further ado, the table;
Yep, you heard right, we’re having a last pad standing tournament!
The rules are simple:
Everyone plays every game (or every game you can play)
Last place gets 1 point, 2nd to last place gets 2 points up to first place who gets the amount of points equal to the number of players.
Points add up over the night, for how ever many games we get in over a 2 hour period. (This could change depending on interest)
First place gets a virtual car!
Second place gets some virtual bacon!
Third place gets a virtual goat!
I might have a prize for the person on the night who stands out to me. (I’ll see what I can scrounge up)
Submitted by PerfectSanga on Sat, 08/06/2013 - 11:13
As you all know, I did a full reset of my computer. As I was re-downloading everything it was all working fine, (- the sound issue). But when I finally downloaded Steam and went to log into my account it did the usual “Put the emailed code in for a security measure”, but I never received a code. I don’t know if this is because I may have used a different email but as far as I’m concerned I used my normal Hotmail email to set up my steam account. I’ve been looking on “Steam Help” all morning but nothing is coming up that is of any help to this issue. I was just wondering if anyone knew how to change your steam email without having to validate your account etc. I tried logging onto my steam on the website, but it says my password is invalid. It is like someone has jumped onto my steam, changed the email, and screwed with it. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?
The Humble Indie Bundle 8 c0mplete with Steam Keys
Don’t miss this 0ne as there are sum great games in there, especially Intrusion 2
Pay What ya Want! ($1.00 OK) DRM Free! (No Net Access Needed – L00king at U EA)
Cross Platform! (That’s Linux L0ve right There)
Helps Charity! (Yep Playing Games helps the p00r)
This is really for my own interest, but it would be valuable for everyone to know what everyones intentions are for the future fun and excitment – its always been my opinion that more people playing together is where the fun is at.
This is open to both IPX and NONIPX members.. (just leave a comment if you’re a non member and ill add your thoughts to the table)
Also if you want me to add extra things or expand this to more then just games, I can do that too!