TEAM - IPX Mumble Server Upgrade

Hi All

The TEAMIPX Mumble Server has ben upgraded to Version 1.2.3

You will need to upgrade you Mumble Client. Mumble Client 1.2.2 i think will still work. but there will be launching errors
I Have created an Issue on the Site incase of problems
Upgrade TEAM -IPX Mumble Server

Links you will need
Mumble Support Page
Mumble 1.2.3 Client Windows
What is New In Mumble 1.2.3

Please Remember that due to the recoreding feature of the new mumble server and client, all IPX Members are bound by the Team IPX Code of Conduct



3 Stars for IPX vs Not so Old Farts

10% (1 vote)
20% (2 votes)
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40% (4 votes)
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Total votes: 10

Logitech G510 Keyboard - BF3 update

if you have one of these logitech have released a new version of the Logitech Gaming Software which now has profile for BF3

link to 64bit download

Hashy's picture

English Wikipedia 24 Hour Blackout!


So Wikipedia is blacking out their english database in protest of some new anti piracy laws being introduced in the United States.

Begins in less then 17 hours from now. Just giving you all a heads up in case you don’t know

I don’t know the details of the piracy laws, but it’s probably bad in my opinion….

I’ll give a sh!t about piracy the day I see Michael Bay homeless and begging on the street.

Prac scrim thursday the 19th at 8:30

With the rV. boy on the next AW map we need to play.

Hashy's picture

Minecraft 1.1 DO NOT UPDATE!!


So I just found out that theres been a new update for Minecraft, version 1.1.0 ( I presume the .0)

DO NOT UPDATE YOUR CLIENT YET. We will not be updating the IPX Server until the mods we used have been updated accordingly.

Minecraft 1.1

  • Bow Enchantments
  • New language translations.
  • Sheep eat grass and regain their wool
  • Added spawn eggs to creative (the colors of the eggs even look like the mobs)
  • Added world type options (currently only super-flat and default)
  • Golden Apple recipe
  • Slightly smoothed color transitions between biomes
  • Reduced brewing time to 20 seconds
  • Removed collision box from ladders
  • Bug fixing


it may or may not be broken, because me and kippa cannot get one it.

“a referral was returned from the server”

that is the error we are getting everytime we go to open mumble

Sha8doW's picture

How do YOU spell: (Please read the 1st comment before voting)

18% (3 votes)
82% (14 votes)
Total votes: 17
Sha8doW's picture

Much love

I’d like to take 5 to profess my ever enduring man love for Robag!
Cause when you see it, you’ll shit bricks!

Hey guys,
I recently stumbled upon a strategy building site that we can use to assist in our preparation for upcoming matches/scrims. This allows you to pull up any map from BF3 and decorate it with an assortment of stencils, icons, and text so that everybody who studies it will know where exactly they should be and what they should be doing. I myself have experimented with the site by producing a strat for Project Metro which I would love for you to check out. Please sign up so I can give you access to see it and any others I may make in the future.

Yours passionately,


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