Sha8doW's picture

Jimquisition - SOPA (note this video has VERY coarse language and adult themes)

A great video rant from Jimquisition from the Escapist (which most of you would know about from the Yahtzee Zero Punctuation reviews) in relation to the god awful SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) – which has gone too far!
worth a watch, but be aware of the VERY coarse language and adult themes

Click here for the Wikipedia page for the SOPA for your further reading…

(I’m sure this one is going to fire up a few people)

Early retirement

So here I was thinking I would have no net for a little while between houses… In fact it turned out to be some thing far worse. Turns out there is so much jitter on the line that I will never be able to play online games. So in till the NBN goes in, I’m officially retired from gaming. For those of you that don’t know what I’m talking about, jitter is the lag between info packets sent over the net. Think a garden hose that has air pockets, lots of them. Every time I hit an air pocket my net locks up. It’s sad, because the net connection is really fast, just not stable. With Telstra being Telstra, they only need to give me a connection, thy make no claim as to the quality. Still not going any where, but from now on I fill jut be a forum and mumble user only.

Damn you to hell Telstra,

Kazashi's picture

The Humble Indie Bundle #4

I’ve been rather lax in posting about these bundles of late, as there have been a few of them pop up. But now the time has come for another “proper” Humble Indie Bundle. With the same mission of providing DRM-free and cross-platform games for as much or as little as you want, plus the involvement of charities (this time being Child’s Play and American Red Cross), it’s definitely worth checking out.

What’s on offer this time? How about Super Meat Boy, the game PETA loves to hate (or hates to love). If you’d like more platformers, then try Nightsky HD for some puzzles, or if you prefer “classic” action then give Bit.Trip Runner or Cave Story+ a go. If you’d rather see more gory stuff, try Shank, or the co-op play in Jamestown. Lastly, if you pay enough, you’ll have your very own copy of Gratuitous Space Battles, where you build some fleets and sit back to watch the gratuitous action unfurl.

Oh, and Good Old Games has its holiday sale going. 50% off most of their catalogue is a pretty good deal.

Tripsicle98's picture

Hmm Idea ?

Possible new tactic for bf3 and the bob cat

also its quite a good tv ad for Bf3

Good on ya freddie


n0mad's picture

Padman Versi0n 1.6 is c0mming

Meet PaddyBell the Fairy

Getting a little excited n0w…..


EA/Dice screwed me over.

I pre-ordered a hard copy, Limited Edition version of the game that is supposed to come with B2K access (it even says it does on the cover) however whenever I try to join a new map It tells me I need to buy the expansion pack. I contacted EA support (after waiting for 55 minutes to actually reach someone) and this is what happened:
Thanks for contacting EA Help! My name is Gautam how may I help you?
Hi, I pre-ordered a hard copy of the game (for PC) which is the limited edition version that is supposed to give me access to the Back to Karkand expansion pack. However, whenever I try to join a server for B2K it shows a popup saying that I still need to buy it
I have the cover/ serial key in front of me now
and yes it says limited edition on the box and has the orange triangle in top left corner stating that it includes access to Karkand
Please provide me your mail id.

Tripsicle98's picture

For all you mincecraft folk

My apologies for climaxing to early yesterday ( I have seen a doc and he put me on some tab ) I would like to announce the Modloader MP for 1.0 has been announced which means a lot of mods will now work for Minecraft 1.0



Remember to keep a look out :D

Tripsicle98's picture

So yeah i found a pretty cool mod for minecraft :D

This mod looks sick i am installing it as we speak ill get back to you when its done but judging from the pictures it looks pretty cool


Hashy's picture

Looking for a Gaming Laptop - $1300


My c0usin is l00king f0r a gaming lapt0p f0r himself. He w0uld like t0 run Skyrim 0n it.

Gaming lapt0p, typical screen size I guess, f0r appr0x $1300.. Thats ab0ut all I can tell yas… Rec0mmendati0ns w0uld be great, lapt0p graphics devices, ect, brands t00. I like t0shiba, thats my rec0mmendati0n..

What d0 y0u guys and girls rec0mmend? Much help w0uld be appreciated =)

New Command and Conquer Generals

C&C Generals 2 announced and available for pre-order on origin.

Looks like its the same engine as BF3- it will be epic!!

EDIT: Release for 2013, so a while out yet

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