
Hashy's picture

DNF: Hail To The King Baby!


h0pefully this is 0ne step cl0ser t0 0ne 0f 0ur m0st anticipated games 0f all time.. still d0nt h0ld y0ur breathe.

Funny that I f0und the c0ver s0ng 0f the Duke Nukem theme s0ng the 0ther day that kaz0zza c0pied 0ver t0 us via bluet00th at the last LAN here at IPX h0me base ( y0u kn0w, the 0ne where I nearly killed everyb0dy with a tank 0f LPG and a cigarette… 0h y0u didn’t kn0w that.. disregard disregard… =p) t0 test 0ut the bluet00th d0ngle.

h0nestly, if this game never c0mes 0ut, s0meb0dy is g0nna have their heads ripped 0ff and… 0ne 0f y0u can finish this line f0r me.. ;p

Microman's picture

Steam, Dissapointing!

Hey Guys,

I had a quick look at my friends list, and saw there were a bunch of us online. I sent a message to Robag asking him to jump in mumble, and if steam was deceiving me. Turns out, steam is a liar! In reality, nobody was in BFBC2.

Just letting you guys know my disappointment, and give you another reason to rage at steam.

Click for a larger image.



n0mad's picture

Jumb0 Cupcake

Arrived h0me t0 find that the missus had been sh0ping 0nline
I ain’t c0mplaining

All I can say is 25 Times the size of regular cupcakes

Linkage for All


Hashy's picture

Online Rewards Sites - Market Research


I’ve been with Rewards Central (formerly EmailCash) f0r a few years n0w. When they changed their name they split up int0 tw0 halves, Reward Central, and My Opinions. With th0se tw0 c0mbined, I get ab0ut $30 a year f0r d0ing the basic r0unds each day 0n the sites, and filling 0ut the 0ccasi0nal surveys that c0me thr0ugh.

These sites are all ab0ut Market Research, basically. I’ll have y0u all kn0w, it is thr0ugh these sites that I have g0tten (m0st) 0f my little wins. I f0und the Sydney Morning Herald Digital Life thr0ugh there, and ect ect. The Reward Central stuff is really quiet easy, and w0nt take up much time at all t0 w0rk int0 y0ur daily r0utine 0f sites t0 check. d0ing it h0nestly, yeah, its $30 every 10 m0nths 0r s0, I have f0und. But its $30 m0re then I w0uld have f0r d0ing what I basically d0 everyday.

Do A good deed

So today i have a favor to ask, so let me tell you why……… today would have been my father-inlaws 61st birthday but it is not a happy day cos he past away last year so he will never get to be older than 60. So today i ask next time you see someone or something trying to rase money canser research please give something and pray you never have to feel this pain. Thank you.

Hashy's picture

Regenrating. Ill Be In My Alcove!


just s0 y0u guys kn0w, I’m near a crest p0int, t0 use s0me r0ad termin0l0gy I guess, in the new directi0n I am taking in my life at the m0ment. I need a bit 0f space f0r a few days, need t0 re-balance my sleeping cycle and center myself 0nce again.

I’ll be in s0me semi-deep meditati0n, sh0uldnt be m0re then a week. I sh0uld be c0ntactable if there is an emergency which requires my presence/attenti0n.

“I’ll be back.” t0 make a qu0te.. =p

Kinda fits with the bl0g title… umm.. “Resistance is futile”… hmm.. a bit better.

I’ll be enj0ying as much silence as I p0ssibly can, s0me ass0rted incense (Lavendar, Frangipani, Dragons Blood, Dragons Puff, and Vanilla.)

Maybe s0me music t00… Except I just m0ved..haha.. My PS3, and my DVD player 0ut 0f the r00m permanent.. Maybe I will tune int0 the beats 0f the ebb and fl0w 0f the universe.

Either way, see y’all in a few days 0r s0.

Peace. =)

Hashy's picture

The Hunter

Relax.. Enjoy the Scenery..Listen to the Birds.. Then Shoot The Doe in the Head!! The Hunter


Stumbled acr0ss this game/simulat0r awhile back n0w. g0t 0ut 0f it f0r s0me time, but back int0 it n0w, and am rather enj0ying it. A great way t0 relax, wind d0wn, enj0y the scenery.. If y0u s0 ch00se! =p

League of legends

Me and kieran well kieran found a game called league of legends, Its bits and pieces of another games mashed together, like torchligth battlefield heroes, age of empires, and tower defense.


Hashy's picture

Where the F@H Have You Been?! Folding @ Home =)


an0ther sh0ut 0ut t0 team members t0 help c0ntribute & participate t0 the Folding @ Home project. Taking a l00k at the team page, y0u can see that my PS3 has been chuggling away, crunching the numbers, and yet with that, I STILL can’t match the p0ints that Fuzz g0t f0r his.. What, 2 weeks 0f f0lding 200s0mething w0rk units with his superc0mputers…. ;p

Folding @ Home is a distributed computing project. It’s all ab0ut the genes you see. Your genes! Pr0teins in y0ur b0dy d0 what they d0 by “f0lding” their way int0 all the s0rts 0f shapes that they are needed t0. y0u can help the future 0f the human race (and 0ur teams sc0re) by d0nating y0ur spare CPU & GPU (really, y0u have spare pr0cessing p0wer??!!) runtime t0 the f0lding pr0ject. Just think.. y0u c0uld be helping s0me scientist 0ne day in the future unleash the z0mbeh plague up0n us all!!

0ur teams stats page can be accessed here:

Hashy's picture

Revision 3: Internet Television


I have been watching s0me 0f these Revisi0n 3 sh0ws f0r a sh0rt while n0w. Unmetered 0ff 0f games@intern0de f0r me 0fc0urse, s0 that really helps, and I d0 have t0 rec0de everything fr0m .H264 int0 divx/xvid s0 I can watch them 0n my c0ns0le at my leisure, but I d0 find many 0f their sh0ws t0 be entertaining, and great relevant filler f0r my lifestyle away fr0m the mainstream TV br0adcasts which I have n0 ch0ice but t0 let fl0w thr0ugh my brain via the airwaves anyway!

The sh0ws I d0wnl0ad are, and in n0 particular 0rder 0f fav0uritism are: HD Nation Hosted by Patrick Norton and Robert Heron. All the latest in h0me entertainment, m0vies, if its HD, they l0ve it! Tekzilla Hosted by Patrick Norton and Veronica Belmont. Tek Tek Tek! Gadgets, Hardware, y0u like that kind 0f stuff, d0wnl0ad this!

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