Johnny's Appreciation Letter.

Hey guys!

This is a notice of me leaving Team IPX.
IPX is my first gaming clan that I’ve joined and has given me lots of fun and enjoyable times.
I’ve had lots of fun at IPX for the past 2 and a half seasons but I think it’s time for me to move on.
If there’s a padman game coming up, give me a yell, I’ll join.

You guys are good blokes to game with, especially Robag and Kraizen. =]

Johnny IPX.
Signing off.

n0mad's picture


Also rem0r it will fully support Linux
Great newz f0r us Linux Guys

Yep it’s getting cl0ser t0 release and here’s 3 new vids;

n0mad's picture

IPX Gaming Night - ET:W

10/04/2009 20:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
the interwebs
Not Applicable

Game: Enemy Territory
Poll Results: Here
Date & Time: Friday 10/04/09 around 8:00pm start
Password: ask in irc or mumble if you don’t already know

Enemy Territory is a free game and the following files will be required

Microman's picture

Tonights Practice

Hey guys, been off school for the past few days. Wont be there at practice tonight as I still feel sick :-(.

Been to the doctor and had blood tests (and other tests :-\), and I should get my results around 10AM NZST.

Good luck guys :-), hope I don’t miss too much.

Fuzz's picture

Steelseries mouse $50

I noticed the Steelseries Optical (and laser) Gaming mouse is $50 at JB. Both n0mad and myself have this mouse, purchased for ~$100 only a few months ago and have been nothing but happy. Lt’s one broke, but so did his other 9 mice so I’m assuming he’s using his as a hammer.

Anyway, if you’re interested, here’s some pics:

and the product link:

For $50, it’s well worth it (hell I was happy to pay $99)

n0mad's picture

ETQW Season 4 Final Tonight

Game Arena Write Up
Tonight: Monday 06/04/09 at 8:00pm

Skullz vs Wood Ducks

Result: Skullz 2-0
Badluck Ducks h0pefully you’ll stick around for Season 5

Skullz have chosen Refinery.
Wood Ducks have chosen Area 22.
The decider will be Salvage.

Tv Server Here:
or just click on ETQW TV server and it should B the top 1 listed

Default demo camera speed is 200. You can use the console with pm_democamspeed XXX where XXX is your preference.
As a guide 600 is excellent for large maps with action all over the place.
333 is better and allows you to free cam comfortably above the players.

w0uld like to welcome all IPX onto our mumble server to discuss the action as viewed through the ETQW TV server…….

Cya’s in Mumble t0night……


Fuzz's picture

Screw Daylight Savings

Due to the time changing for daylight savings ending, and the site being so flexible as to let every user have their own time zone, most of your time zones are out of whack right now.

This issue has been around for a while (1), and the workaround is still applicable. So please take a second to check your time zone settings and update them accordingly (important for challenge times appearing correctly).

New Honorary Member - Somtin

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted Somtin into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.
Somtin – IPX

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gaming roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Kraizen – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Oozaru – IPX
Rayne – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Somtin – IPX
Johnny – IPX
Willow – IPX


Team IPX

chipper's picture

IPX gaming night this Friday 10th April !!!!!!Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!!!!!!

Padman night (custom maps)
23% (3 votes)
Smokinguns night
23% (3 votes)
I'm a slack bastard and can't make it
8% (1 vote)
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
46% (6 votes)
Total votes: 13
n0mad's picture

Padman Mods & Maps

Maybe each Friday we could all test these maps,,,,,
Something to keep us all playin Padman anyway…….


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