n0mad's picture

Due t0 l0w numbers sh0uld we call f0r recruitment on the GA ETQW Forum

70% (7 votes)
30% (3 votes)
Total votes: 10
Hashy's picture

Hashys 2009+Beyond IPX Projects

Well with the new year already well underway, ive decided to reveal here some of my project ideas involving/relating to Team IPX.

IPX Coins: Coins coins coins.. I like coins, and now, YOU BETTER START TO LIKE EM TOO!! ;P


IPX Case Badges: Yup! That says it all!


Hashys IPX Orbiter Space Flight Simulator Projects –


Padhockey – A Hockey Mod for World of Padman!

That’s really all I can think of right now.
What do you guys think? All questions and comments are very welcome! Any and ALL help with these projects in the near future would be very much appreciated and needed. Ideas, lay em down for us all to mull over! =D

2009 should be an exciting year for Team IPX. Lets get some projects done this year and help continue to expand IPX!

Edit: please comment on the specific issues, not this post.

Honorary Member changes

The following Honorary Members are no no longer with Team IPX:

  • Dementia
  • Fuzz_Logic
  • Darkdawn

There were a variety of reasons for this, with the common theme being lack of contribution to the team.

Team IPX Founders

GameArena ET:QW Season 4 to Start Soon - Show of Hands

As per the subject line, we’re up for another season of ET:QW follies.

Towards the end of 2008 we were struggling to find a team of 6, so I thought this would be a good time to get a show of hands of who is interested in playing GA Season 4.

Commitment will be as per normal:
* Practice Tuesday nights (or another night if the majority agrees)
* Maximum of one match per week on another night

We would hope to have at least 8 or 9 signed up, as real life intrusions etc. mean we need the extras.

Please place your name below if you’re ready to go in GA Season 4:

Team IPX Season 4 Yes/No Comment
Ltmon Yes -
Robag Yes
n0mad Yes We need the numbers this Season s0 sign up
Sha8doW Yes I seriously don’t know why we are bothering tho (See Comment
Fuzz Yes Only if we have enough obviously – see comment
Sha8doW's picture

pURCH aSSED (& give away)

Howzit peoples,

Dispensing with the Xmas and New Years…

I have just “purch-assed” the Valve complete package dealie or whatever its called with the gazillion games. (My Xmas Pressie)

Check here for the details: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/1134

So, more gaming variety for Shad… so what?

well 3 of these games have an alternate give away trial including: Counter Strike Source, Day Of Defeat Source & Team Fortress 2. (3 of the 4 games which purchased it for)

1st (IPX) person to add me (make contact) through Steam wins their pick…. Add go go now (My id is: sha8dow)

(if anyone else is looking to buy. The deal ENDS TOMORROW (2nd January))


Fuzz's picture

Dont trust Polar Bears!

No seriously… I’m not sure why this guy got out of the car in the first place, but here’s how the rest of it went:

Just proves what we’ve been saying for years – you can’t trust a polar bear… or a Norwegian.

If I don’t catch up with any of you before hand, Happy New Year all!

n0mad's picture

Welcome to the world of Gnod

I wish there was a learning Computer Prog that I could use to find new Bands, wait I’ve found it;


another part of Gnod is
Type a band ya know and it’ll map out similar bands….

Gnod explained;
Gnod is my experiment in the field of artificial intelligence. Its a self-adapting system, living on this server and ‘talking’ to
everyone who comes along. Gnods intention is to learn about the outer world and to learn ‘understanding’ its visitors.
This enables gnod to share all its wisdom with you in an intuitive and efficient way. You might call it a search-engine to
find things you don’t know about.

I hope this site brings sum new Bands into your life, it worked for me……………………

Sub Dub Micromachine new album is out it’s called – Auferstanden
Padman music by the Padman artists

Robag's picture

OMG Robag is a Steam whore :)

Morning all

merry xmas and a happy New year

look what is found

i still think Steam sux


Steam Sale

The Steam Holiday Sale is on, with everything in Valve’s online marketplace marked down anywhere between 10% and 75%. Titles being offered for less than $10.00 include RACE 07, Team Fortress 2, and BioShock, and some products are under a dollar, such as Bejeweled, Ultimate DOOM and the expansions or the original Half-Life.


oww ETQW for 14.99 USD w00t


n0mad's picture

Upshift StrikeRacer & Flatout 2

Been playin these 2 solid for 2 days now just thought I might enlighten sum to it;

Upshift StrikeRacer
Free carnage shooting Car Game
Always someone on the servers even in the weee hours
Main Site: http://strikeracer.gpotato.com/
Download Aus Mirror: http://au.gamespot.com/pc/driving/upshiftstrikeracer/download_6175227.html

Mainsite: http://flatout2.sierra.com/us/
Demo Here: http://iigh.iinet.net.au/demo/flatout2_demo.zip

I think Shad will luv Flatout2 I have a feeling :P

Hashy's picture

Merry Christmas Team IPX!

Merry Christmas Team. I hope you all had an excellent day =) And my lights just all turned off, dads installing a new light fitting so he switched off the lighting circuit, excellent!! =p

Merry Christmas All!! BE GOOD!!


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