Sha8doW's picture

Deprecated - Team IPX Practice Sessions

01/01/2007 00:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
Team IPX
Not Applicable

Ive canceled any practice session organised by myself.
Ive also removed myself from the IPX Gaming Roster

Cheers (I hate people who say Cheers)


ltmon's picture

IPX vs MaD - ETQW GA Ladder - S01G12

21/04/2008 19:00
21/04/2008 21:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
Competition / Ladder
ETQW GA Ladder
Score IPX: 
Score Other: 

The Official IPX Strategy Gamebook is quite bare where Refinery is concerned, so some contributions well before this match would be appreciated. Also talk about it in IRC, if we can have more strategy decided before the match and less chatter during the match to work it out we’ll do better and everyone will understand from the get go (a problem with complex instructions via VOIP).

MORE UPDATES: I’ve added some strategies for GDF on refinery to Haklin’s guide. Please contact Hak for access to the document as described in his blog and check it out :)


Team IPX Confirmed Prefered time(s) Prefered map Comment
ltmon Yes Monday 8pm or Tuesday 9pm refinery MaDness! Can we play on Tuesday and practice on Monday?
Fuzz Yes Sun, 7pm or Mon 8pm Refinery Unavailable Tues 9pm
n0mad Yes Anytime Refinery n0 really I’m MaD

Top 2 Australian Teams do battle tomorrow - details inside

I don’t know how I got roped into this..wait I do but anyway, I’ll be doing a shoutcast tomorrow. For all info including how to listen to your fellow IPX’er attempt some sort of decent shoutcast click here

Fuzz's picture

Site down for maintenance this morning - 12-04-2008

Guys, the site is down for maintenance this morning. It should only last a few hours. Most of the world can’t see it, but if you are still logged in and can still access things, please log out now.

EDIT: Site back online. Upgraded to 5.7. Report any issues here.


New Honorary Member - April 2008

Team IPX founding members have inducted the following player into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks:

Robag – IPX

The above mentioned player is now affiliated with Team IPX and is free to use any of the IPX trademarks, symbols, sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.

Please make Robag feel welcome.

n0mad's picture

Should IPX Discuss about our own ET:QW Server

25% (2 votes)
If it's Free Let's Discuss it
75% (6 votes)
Nar next year we w0nt be playin it
0% (0 votes)
What they have servers ya say
0% (0 votes)
GA has Booking's for Servers lets just keep b00king em
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 8
ltmon's picture

Sub needed for tonight!

It looks like I have family commitments tonight come up.

Oz, Panda or Luckless: Able to sub for me?

Sorry for the late notice all, I’m a bad person.


Fuzz's picture

God damn daylight savings time

With daylight savings time finishing in NSW this weekend, this is as good of a time as any to mention that you can set your time zone by clicking the “My Account” link on the left sidebar, clicking “Edit” and choosing the timezone that’s relevent to you. It defaults to +10h which is right most of the time in NSW, but for everyone in another timezone, or even for daylight savings time you need to change it there.

Blood, n0mad, Dementia and Pinge are the only people I know for sure are out of this timezone and have probably been putting up with Sydney’s time zone for too long now.

It’s also a good time to say if we’re going to specify times for things like challenges, always specify the timezone afterwards, eg. Tuesday 8:30PM EST. Blood’s getting good at interpreting the times, but being specific makes it easier :)

Have a nice day.

Promotion - n0mad

n0mad – IPX

Team IPX Founders voted unanimously this week to promote n0mad into the Team IPX Member ranks.

Chewbacca took time out of his busy schedule of “Ripping People Arms out of their sockets” especially to present n0mads new Member Jersey to him.

n0mad is a positive force within Team IPX and sets new benchmarks in what it means to be an IPX at any level. n0mads promotion comes as a result of tireless dedication to Team IPX in multiple facets including, team organisation, site administration and maintenance, recruitment ideas and ladder captaincy.

Team IPX founders and Members wish to say a big WELL DONE to n0mad on his promotion. Team IPX Founders also wish to say THANKYOU to n0mad for his commitment to the team.

Chewbacca was quoted saying “ROOOOOOOOOOOOAAR ROORRRR ROOOOW
(that means clap morons…. before he rips our arms out of their sockets)


Team IPX Founders

New Honorary Member - April 2008

Team IPX founding members have inducted the following players into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks:

  • CombatChuck – IPX

The above mentioned player is now affiliated with Team IPX and is free to use any of the IPX trademarks, symbols, sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.

Please make CombatChuck feel welcome.

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