Fuzz's picture

GA ET:QW ladder entries now open

The GA ET:QW ladder is open for entries. I’ve signed up Team IPX for a team. Should be good fun.

All current Team IPX gaming roster please head over here and apply to join our team.


From what I can tell you need to have a user over at GA to be able to join. If you need me to invite you, just let me know which email address you signed up to GA with.

Let’s see how this goes :)

UPDATE: 5/1/2008
We now have 13 players enrolled: Haklin, n0mad, Kazozza, Fuzz, Sha8doW, Ltmon, ResidentEvil, Kazashi, Blood, zoomer17, holdens05, HarrasmentPanda, Hashy


IPX vs xG

01/01/2008 00:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 


Team IPX Confirmed
Sha8doW On the Bench
Fuzz Maybe
Kazashi -
Kazozza Maybe
Axe Man No
Sir Draco -
Manschaft No
Hashy -
n0mad Yes
ltmon -
chipper -
Deviance -
Bloodstorm Yes
Dementia -
Haklin -
XViper -
ResidentEvil Yes
Holdens05 Yes
Zoomer17 -

Sha8doW's picture

Nesreca Morons

for those who didnt believe it before…
believe it now…
they are openly bagging ALL of us!


Kazozza's picture

What time is it?

Time for a game of ETQW
9% (1 vote)
Time to kick arse and chew bubblegum! (and I'm all outta gum =/ )
36% (4 votes)
Time to get ERASED! haha!
27% (3 votes)
18% (2 votes)
Time to vote (thanks Fuzz!)
0% (0 votes)
Time to save April! (Fire!)
0% (0 votes)
Time to go John (didn't he already piss off?!?)
0% (0 votes)
Hang Time
9% (1 vote)
Total votes: 11
n0mad's picture

It's amazing what a litle Alcohol can do

Ok, so I’m adhering to Rule 45 and I’m surfing 30 windows and closing one at a time after searching
all over the web and yep stumbled across this one;


This is the kind of shit us D&D players really enjoy…..

New Honorary Members - December 07

Team IPX founding members have inducted the following players into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks:

* Holdens05 – IPX
* Zoomer17 – IPX

The above mentioned players are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, symbols, sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.

Please make the new Honorary Members feel welcome.

ltmon's picture

ETQW 1.4 Out Soon


‘nuff said.

…. well actually no, not enough said:

  • UI Improvements – Always good
  • Basic training – Probably too late for most of us, but newbies rejoice
  • Auto-downloading – It’ll be cool when there are new maps and servers to play ‘em on :)
  • ETQW:TV – Meh, if I had the free time to watch, I’d play instead. Maybe tune in to some high level games to pick up some tips or something.
  • Balance improvements – We’ll what can’t be said:
    • Head shot randomness fixed – dammit, I think I rely on that
    • Vehicles immune until driven – a good thing, I think
    • Anansi and Tormentor nerf – Good and bad. Good because I’ll stop being destroyed by flyboys quite so much, and bad because I never really got the hang of them myself in the first place and this’ll just make it harder
    • Hacking deployables can do damage – Makes this worthwhile rather than just third-eye-camera-ing the bloody things like I normally do
    • Other balances – Here’s hoping Icarus’ annoy me a little less from now on
    • MCP takes no damage whilst being repaired – Being an engineer will hopefully no longer equate to being a lemming
  • Other stuff – the rest of it is less exciting, but all good. They are closing the cvops data brain backdoor in outskirts too I hear.
Fuzz's picture

Nominations for IPX Awards 2007 Now Open

It’s that time of the year – award season!

The first annual IPX Awards are fast approaching. What we need from you guys are nominations. Listed below are some categories, but don’t feel constrained by that. Nominate as many players as you want in as many categories as you like, making up categories as you see fit.

Please send all nominations to teamipx@gmail.com using the following template for nominations. We’d like to keep nominations and results private until award day so please email nominations, don’t post them here as comments.
Nominations close Friday 14th December, 7PM AEDST.


Kazashi's picture

The Internet Still makes it OK

It looks like the forum thread which various individuals decided to discuss my last entry in has been locked. Right as I was going to post something, too. So I’ll paste it here instead.


Actually the blog was mine, thanks. If you want to call someone a white knight, among other names, refer to me.

Firstly, I am distancing my comments from Team IPX; My opinion is my own, again if you want to target someone then target me. All the other guys want to do is play some games, so there is no need to villify everybody who wears Team IPX symbols.

I was hoping for some meaningful discussion, unfortunately maybe too optimistically. Not long after I made my post New Scientist posted an article on the same phenomenon of Internet anonymity, their comments section was also flooded with people posting drivel. Pretty much any time an article like this comes up you will immediately find proof.

Hashy's picture

Hashy's List O'Links

For starters, fuck buddah. No not the fat bald gold guy…

Decided to make up a list of links of stuff I find useful.. Y’all are welcome to make your own additions… I just would find it handy to have em all listed down somewhere, so here it goes..

http://www.bom.gov.au/ – Australian Bureau of Meteorology. This is where we can help plan SPEARS missions according to what the weather is gonna be like!

http://www.google.com.au/ – Google. Here we can find all the information we need for our SPEARS operations!

http://www.timeanddate.com/ – ?? . Now here, and specifically here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ we can co-ordinate SPEARS ops internationally!

http://www.wikipedia.org/ – Wikipedia. Our source for information for learning…umm… stuff..

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