Hashy's picture

For The Love Of ROD!!!!

Oh.. you guys, sooo, don’t know what kinda day I’ve had.

No sleep, there’s a start. Two doctors appointments, there’s another. Breaking down after my second appointment… Soo uncool..

Not electrical problems this time.. Seems that the fuel pump has gone ( or worse, the engine has been gutted by E10).

Now see.. Things go like this, alright?

Ive spend the last 3-4 days, having loads of fun with that new tilt tray with winch in Rigs of Rods..


Cant you see where this is going??

The next thing I know, the tow truck is there.. Performing the same perverse act of pulling a car up a tilted tray with a winch that I have been practicing the past 3 days or more.

Hate to steal your fire Shad.. But, seriously.. WTF!!??!!!

This is one of those, if I had actually had some sleep situations, it would have felt more surreal. Kicking myself for not bringing my camera…

Hashy's picture

WGS 2010 - Be Brave & Shave!!


Ill level with you.. I have not had a haircut since the 2008 Worlds Greatest Shave which we participated in. I think I’m about due, although I have learned how to tie hair elastics by now. So I think this is as good a excuse as any, and we have soo many more members now.. With, so so many more pockets to dig into! So without further ado, I will not be presenting my own WGS creepy chin video, I thought about it, and decided to hold you all to ransom! If we don’t meet our group target of $1,500, I will make a creepy chin video, and that.. I will not shave! BAHAHHAHA


http://my.imisfriendraising.com.au/TeamPage.aspx?teamID=42333&langPref=e... Team IPX WGS page!

Everybody is welcome to sign up as a participant, and collect as many sponsors as you can. If you don’t feel like participating this year, you can always help with a donation.

n0mad's picture

Battlefield Bad Company 2

Beta Has been released into the wild

IGN Preview/Review

You will need an EA account
Select your country = United States
Once you have your beta key in hand

Download from Ausgamers

Yep it’s an0ther EA game with high h0pes…..


1500 svalbards

just wanted to post so i can go over 1500 svalbards

also a pic for you he he

Hashy's picture

Australia - Medicinal Marijuana. Your Support is Needed.

This is simply about MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAWS WITHIN AUSTRALIA. I frankly, will not put another second of effort, into such a campaign like “R18+ Video Game Laws in Australia”, when there are seriously more important issues being trampled over.

If Medicinal Marijuana is something you disagree with, FINE. Have your say, THEN F**K OFF.

This is about the people who suffer in this country ( and many many others around the world with similiar, or more barbaric laws) from chronic illness’ and pain, and are given no pharmacological treatment that is effective for their condition. Quiet simply, because what is available ( a lovely variety of opioid ( HEROIN) based drugs to choose from) is either non effective, or, THE ALTERNATIVE DOES NOT EXIST.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory this Tuesday 02/02/2010

Reminder to All IPX who can make it this Tuesday 02/02/2010 will be Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Tuesday
Or as we should all call it WET TUESDAY
All files and info can be found here

We aim to have the IPX WET server up and running shortly but a GA server has been booked as a backup.

s0 thanks again to Robag for hosting
Note: Please type “ThanX Robag” when connecting to the Server as U may get auto kicked :P

Cya’s in there…………..

Hashy's picture

35 Terabyte Magnetic Cartridges, by IBM & Fujifilm


So something I had thought about from time to time.. Gazing out or collection of hundreds of VHS.. What sort of revivals will become for the blessed magnetic storage media that has gotten us where we are today.


Quiet suitable for the mass backing up/storage of secure-cam footage. I’m rather sure it would be susceptible to the usual suspects when it comes to magnetic tapes. Mostly wear and tear, and environmental degradation factors.

The one big solar storm that will fry every unprotected electrical circuit, powerline, transformer IN THE WORLD, I think is pretty sure to scramble all of our magnetic storage media too ( Hard drives..Ohh yes.. ESPECIALLY WESTERN DIGITALS!!).

But still, it is nice to see how much they can squeeze out of the old types of technology. Still has it uses. =)

New Honorary Members - Sc0ut

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted Sc0ut into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gaming roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Crazy_As – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Kippa – IPX
Kraizen – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Nestern – IPX
Rayne – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sc0ut – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Somtin – IPX
Spudinator – IPX
Willow – IPX

The Uber Wookiee Dropped By to Tear the arms off a droid and leave you a message:
you can read Wookiee right

ohwoanoaooscwo coaoohuao aooo aoacwo rcrawhorc ooww aoworasc – ahakk

grass sandwich

At a local college dance, a guy from America asked the girl from Sweden to dance.

While they were dancing, he gives her a little squeeze, and says, “In America, we call this a hug”.

She replies, “Yaah, in Sveden, we call it a hug too.”

A little later, he gives her a peck on the cheek, and says, “In America, we call this a kiss”.

She replies, “Yaah, in Sveden, we call it a kiss too.”

Towards the end of the night, and a lot of drinks later, he takes her out on the campus lawn, and proceeds to have sex with her, and says, “In America, we call this a grass sandwich”.

She says, “Yaaah in Sveden, we call it a grass sandwich too, but we usually put more meat in it.

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