What sign are you?

I had a lot of laughs reading the articles at a website made by a guy who obviously has a good sense of humour.


What starsign are you? You can convert it into it’s Call Of Duty United Offensive equivilent.

For instance, myself, aquarius on cusp with capricorn.

Aqkarius Defining characteristics:
Aqkarians are, by nature, a rather scary bunch – they have a distinct habit of sneaking off and shooting you in the head at the very moment you least expect it, scaring the crap out of you. Mild pants-wetting is frequently the outcome of battling these silent but professional types, hence the term Water-Scarer.

Favourite weapons: Rifles like the Kar98k and Mosin-Nagant, however Aqkarians are fond of using scopes if it will result in frightening people.

Respected by: Most players, for their professional, methodical yet humble approach.

Loathed by: Leetos, Tauntus.

Aqkarius this week:

n0mad's picture

Smokin Guns this Tuesday 19/01/2010

Reminder to All IPX who can make it this Tuesday 19/01/2010 will be Smokin Guns Tuesday
All files and info can be found here

Install IT, Practice IT and 0wn IT because IT’s Free and we have our server UP and Running it NOW…..

s0 thanks again to Robag for hosting
Note: Please type “ThanX Robag” when connecting to the Server as U may get auto kicked :P

Cya’s in there…………..

Hashy's picture

The Gaming Machine of Delayed Gratification.

m0rnin all

So yesterday.. It finally arrived yes. The box for this thing is the same size and dimension as the box my mainboard came in.. Sorry the pics aren’t the best. Was more in a rush to get the thing installed, then to patiently take all the photos possible and drool.

image scale: white paper on that hard to see notepad is 7cm wide

the top half (well..its the bottom now isn’t it..) is its own cooling system =)

2x Molex goes in here….. somewhere….=/

Size of the box… hahaha =D

This completes the intended upgrades to my core system, anyone have some links to a good benchmarking program?, I can get some figures out there for us to look at.

So my system currently stands as being:

  • AMD Phenom X4 9550
  • 4GB system RAM ( 2x Kingston sticks, DDR3 maybe, if not, DDR2)

SCREW NORWAY!!!!!1!!1!!ONE!!!!

So in my efforts to screw norway i found this artist.
Humon i completely endorse his stance on norway and in fact the rest of the world.

so have a poke around and have a good giggle he does some pretty good stuff.

Sha8doW's picture

Moving... Post

Ladies and Gents of the world and more importantly Team IPX (cause IPX is the only peps who count)

If you dont already know, Shad is moving…. (House)

the last few weeks have been spent, while not xmasing, packing etc… and its all going to the point where the PC must be turned off!
settlement on this house and the one im moving into occurs on friday, but the phone/internet wont be connected till the week after…

so, farewell for now… but not for long.

Im confident that Fuzz, Robag and n0mad can Zen it up in my stead.

I’ll see you all on the other side.

Robag's picture

NSW and VIC Fire warnings

Morning all
I am sure that our VIC and NSW IPX’ers know about this but,
here is some more information

Declaration of Total Fire Ban
Today Tue, 12 Jan 2010 has been declared a Day of Total Fire Ban in the North Western, North Eastern, Central and Eastern Total Fire Ban district(s) of Victoria.

No fires can be lit or be allowed to remain alight in the open air from midnight on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 until midnight tonight.

Increased fire danger as hot weather hits NSW
Posted: 11/01/2010
A number of total fire bans have been declared across NSW for Tuesday.

More Info

NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said high temperatures, low humidity and gusty winds are forecast, increasing the risk of fires.

“Over the past few days, we’ve seen very high temperatures across much of southern Australia and these conditions are heading east towards NSW,” Commissioner Fitzsimmons said.

Fuzz's picture

Free Games - Take 94

Continuing on a thread started elsewhere – if we can’t all agree on a paid game to play since QW is ‘dead’, perhaps focusing on some free ones is the way to go (something we’ve also done before, but rarely follow through). I was quite surprised to see what’s available these days, and I’d be surprised if any of us have tried some of them.

confused yet

Let’s see…. x=5 and 5 is the number of fingers on 1 hand, so 5=1. But you have two hands, so five is actually 1/2. Only that only counts 2 of the 4 appendages you have, so x=5=1=1/2=1/4. x=1/4

Team IPX in 2009

m0rning All,

Well what a year for Team IPX in 2009 we have achieved so much thanks to the contributions of all.

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