Hashy's picture

Star Trek Online: taH pagh, taH be ?


So for the past week or so, I’ve been trying out the Star Trek Online Open Beta. Being the lifelong trek fan that I am, I felt I needn’t let the opportunity slip by, as new Star Trek games have been few and far between the past few years now. In the early 2000’s there was an over abundance of Trek games. Sure, most of them were crap.

Star Trek Online probably, most of the time, plays more like the Starfleet Command series of games. However, your not always confined to space battles. You can beam to select planets, as part of missions, and participate in ground based stages, very similiar to most MMO combat (click your enemy, and keep clicking!!!), as well as to certain stations to trade, and receive new missions.

Smokin Guns this Tuesday 26/01/2010

With the success of Last Tuesday’s Smokin Guns Tuesday 19/01/2010 and since we are still a few weeks from finalizing the IPX W:ET Server (Sorry MM) (Gave U an0ther Week Robag :P)

We wish to advise all IPX that next Tuesday 26/01/2010 will be Smokin Guns Tuesday
All files and info can be found here

Also since Ltmon had a great idea to get us into a 4v4 bank robbery round we will have that setup ready t0g0 fr0m the start….

s0 saddle Up, Put ya chaps 0n and start taking 10 paces

s0 thanks again t0 Robag f0r h0sting
Note: Please type “ThanX Robag” when connecting to the Server as U may get auto kicked :P

Cya’s in there…………..

n0mad's picture

Medal 0f h0n0r

Game Description

Operating directly under the National Command Authority, a relatively unknown entity of handpicked warriors
are called on when the mission must not fail. They are the Tier 1 Operators.

Colin Mcrae DIRT 2

Did I mention how good Dirt 2 is and how everyone should get it ASAP lol !!!!!!!!

Seriously it’s going pretty cheap for a newish game $46 at CDwow…..


They have another listing of the game for $86 so I’m thinking maybe they havn’t spotted it just yet so get in fast and grab a bargain !!!!!! Free delivery in the mail also !!!! So get it mailed somewhere safe !!!!

Regards theSpud 0

Microman's picture

Wolfenstien : Enemy Territory

I propose we do a W:ET for next prac. Just like Smokin Guns, but a different game :-)

All you need to know about it is located here It’s free, and is less than 500mb for all you need.

This should be a bit more strategic than the death match in Smokin Guns. Good when you have the numbers. If we don’t, we can always play Smokin Guns again.

I haven’t actually asked anybody about this. Hell, Robag’s server might be under maintenance. If this idea is no good, just let me know :-)


Microman's picture

Couldn't Do It

I thought it was too mean :-P


DEAR GOD!!!!11!!!1!!!ONE!!11!

my god i watched this and now its stuck in my head.
also you cant tell me you haven’t had this conversation with your wife/girlfriend

Hashy's picture

Official Warning from the Australian Government: Don't Use Internet Explorer.


Umm.. We already know… Thanks for telling the mindless masses for us tho.

In other news


Australian ISP’s are to pilot test a broadband internet performance metering device (its really a content filter) for the Department of Broadband, Communications, and the Digital Economy (heh..). ISP’s will be selecting at random, special lucky prize winners to “try out” their new device.

So yeah, you heard it officially from the Australian government. Microsoft sucks.



n0mad's picture

WOP New Custom Maps

New padman Maps by The Weasel


Somtin's picture

Back from holiday!!!

Thats right, I’m back!

Not really any adventures, was just chilling out with friends and family.. Sorry for the disappointment ;) hehe

See you guys around! :)

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