The pupisicle

38% (3 votes)
38% (3 votes)
Another name with blood in it
25% (2 votes)
Total votes: 8
n0mad's picture

Zero Gear

n0t because it has a zer0 at the start but because this c0uld actually be a great game t0 multiplayer……………..

0hh and Matt it has Hats…..


Hashy's picture

Worlds Tallest Building: Burj Khalifa


And now we have, this behemoth. =)

The Burj Khalifa, formerly known as the Burj Dubai, stands at 828metres (2,717feet), and has taken 6 years to complete.
160 habitable floors, 334,000 m2 of floor space for various uses including Accomodation/Hotels, Restaurants, Observation, and 55 floors for Mechanical, and also 3 floors for Communications & Broadcasting too.

So what I want to know is, with all those floors for “mechanical” usage, when does the thing transform and get up to move?

I’m guessing in 30 odd years when the base is underwater xD

n0mad's picture

Sacred 2

An0ther Christmas an0ther Search Thru Dem0’s 4 n0mad…..
This game is 1 U pickup and start playing straight away Like I did……
Many things t0 like ab0ut Sacred 2 but I think the c0ncept 0f g0 where ya want d0 what ever missions U want sits well with me….
Als0 the camera is FN awsum ……

s0 Get the Sacred 2 dem0 check it 0ut and set ya graphics card 2 it’s highest settings…..
0hh and there’s Multiplayer 2…………



hey guys just posting what i think of the avatar game
ok here we go ps im not good at these
alright in single player you get to run around in the body of an avatar and that of a human until u hit a point in the game where u choose a side at that stage u become either of the 2
single player mode is set like an rpg so nomad u will probbly like it
at first it takes a bit to get used to but once u get the hang of it its a really good game
the multiplayer games are set up like capture the flag death matches hold off and defend much like quake wars
i really like it and would recommend it


Fuzz's picture

Steam Sale - new IPX games?

I’ve been umming and erring over which games to get off Steams sale. I picked up one I really wanted (NBA 2K10) and damn I love it, but when it came to multiplayer team games there were a few. But generally they weren’t worth it unless several others were getting them too… so I thought it might be worth posting something to see if anyone else was interested in getting any cheap games. Here’s some of the deals available – all sales til the 3rd unless otherwise specified:

  • Frontlines Fuels of War : $7.49

    Blood did a great review of this a while ago and if it was a little cheaper then I’d have been in. I’m definitely up for this if a few people want it, but more importantly if people would still play it.
  • HAWX – $14.99 –
Hashy's picture

2010 - International Year of Biodiversity, Communcations, and for the Reapproachment of Cultures


You heard it here first. And now you ask the same question I did.


2009 Was more “widely” known as the International Year of Astronomy. Ive got the hundred + dollars of mint coins to prove it. But as it is so, there are also usually a few other “observances” each year too. 2009 was also;
the International Year of Reconciliation,
the International Year of Fibres,
the International Year of The Shark,
and the Year of the Gorilla.

I think this team, given the type of communications platform we use, are doing pretty well when it comes to working with the International Year of Communications. I think if we can find ways to improve what we have at all, that would be nice.


first post in the real time zone.
the one were we dont put our clock back an hour.
happy new year and have a great 2010

for the lolz

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