Pinge's picture

Joining Forces..

Hi All IPX’ers.

Had a request to join forces so that the IPX and rV teams would work together in the upcoming BC2 ladder.
It was something I looked at several weeks ago during the Beta that if we couldnt get numbers or IPX or gZ found itself in the same boat, then we might be able to form an alliance of some description.
This sounds good to me and I see benefits for all of us.
Just want to make sure that the IPX leadership is comfortable with it and if they have any comments on the arrangement.

It would mean that IPX players would play under the Clan Ravenous team name (because I cant change it now anyway) but they would remain IPX members and in matches would still use the IPX tags.
We will give access to our forums to the players that register as this is the main method of passing out info to everyone.
We shall also give access to our venti channel and game server as if you were an rV member.

There will be no requirement to become rV members though.

Microman's picture

Practice Tonight

I am keen for BF:BC2, but I know that not all of us own it (yet?).

I was going to PM Robag to ask him how the SG server is going, but then not everybody else could see the answer. Robag has tried many things to fix our ping issue, including; rebooting (lots of different way. So far as to shut the whole server computer down, and restart), new ADSL2 router, and something else (I think, I forgot ;-) ).

Failing all this, I suggest either Padman, or perhaps we could try Wolfenstien. I haven’t asked Robag to set up any servers, so we will see what happens. Now that I have BF:BC2, I will almost never play quake wars. There are many aspects of the game that I dislike very much.


Sha8doW's picture

Fore the more tech minded, please help me compare

eVGA 141-BL-E760-A1
Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7

Video Cards
EVGA GTX285 1024MB CLASSIFIED ( eVGA 01G-P3-1190-TR)
Gigabyte GTX285, 1GB (Gigabyte GV-N285UD-1GH)

Advice is appreciated.

Hashy's picture

PS3's, Walkman's, Window's, & Linux. The Quadrangle of Bad Communication.. Linux Wins.


s000, after having so much time to test out the capabilities of my PS3, I have decided to post here a few of my experiences.

So before Christmas in 2008, I won this prize pack, with an 80GB PS3, 8GB Sony Walkman MP4 player, a Sony Cybershot 10.1MP camera (T77), and some Sony Noise Cancelling Earbuds ( which I promptly gave to d00dism, as an early birthday present.) Obviously it was a Sony prize pack.

Hashy's picture



s0 watchin Tekzilla, I think, off of internode the other week, their one of their featured websites on the episode was Codeorgan. So of course.. I put in a couple websites that I use rather often.., and both had surprisingly catchy tunes to them, rather nice.. But of course, once I gave a run through, I nearly had a heart attack or something.. haha

Give a few websites that you know and love (or hate) a try through =)

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Comp

m0rning all.

Just doing this post to find out what everyone thinks about entering into the GA BF:BC2 ladder??
just want to know if
A)You have the game and want to play
B)You are going to get the game and want to play

Looks like GA are going to be haveing a 8 V 8 “Conquest” mode.

so comment have with your thoughts.

Smokin Guns this Tuesday 02/03/2010

Smokin Guns Tuesday

If you feel like a few friendly games pop on to the IPX smoking guns server for an impromptu session.

If we get enough folks show up will try some 4v4 bank robbery otherwise it will be a free for all.

As n0mad says “s0 saddle Up, Put ya chaps 0n and start taking 10 paces”

For those that don’t have it installed details (thanks Lt) are:

1. Where’s the server?

It’s often not turning up in the in-game server browser right now. Your best bet is to drop a console (use the tilde key) and type:


2. What version?

It’s safest to use the latest non-beta (1.0). If you do have the beta, it will probably work on the standard server (with better sound and gfx), but no promises. If you don’t have a copy, best bet is the Internode mirror:

Microman's picture

MM strips a bike!

This is what I got up to this weekend!

Microman's picture

My rage about common courtesy

This will be my rage about the mumble server (thank you very much for hosting it Robag! It’s great :-))

The problem is, that certain people don’t use the channels. This pisses me off for the following reasons:

  • You talk about your game, whether everybody else is playing it or not
  • I don’t know what game you are playing. Not such a big deal, as I can just ask. Still pisses me off…
  • Robag spent a bit of time getting those MEGA COOL channels for a reason, please use them!

BC2 Game Play

One of the best game play movies i have seen. It show what the game play is like and shows off the game perfectly.

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