Microman's picture

Mail arrived today...

So my order from futurlec.com.au finally arrived. I got a bunch of stuff including a 1.5v to 5v boost converter from maxim, a smart card and socket, a sheet load of 2.5mm DC power connectors, and my current favourite – the 128 × 64 pixel blue graphics LCD.

I had it up and running in about 20 minutes. I uploaded the example arduino ‘sketch’, and up pops my little LCD!

After a bit of screwing around I decided to have some fun. Clicky here for team-significant photo!

That is the team eagle in 128 × 64 pixel resolution! Okay, so it lost a LOT of detail in the conversion, but I still like it! It would be easy to add a little detail, but this may be the only time I use it :-P.

So yeah, just wanted to show you guys what I got up to this afternoon.


n0mad's picture

n0mad hits 4000 Svalbards

Well it feels like yesterday I was at 1000

So I’m half way there Fuzz only 4388 to catch up t0 ya…….


n0mad's picture


Read the Full Story Here at Distrowatch

The SheevaPlug is an ARM-based computer with a 1.2 GHz processor, 512 MB of RAM and 512 MB of Flash memory, a Gigabit Ethernet port and a USB host connector, all rolled into the tiny form factor of a wall-wart power adapter.

Manufacturer – GlobalScale Technologies

The possibilities are endless but the concept has been around a long while, most routers have this built in now days.
s0 with so many uses for such a small device what would you use it for ?


Robag's picture

Just got an SMS from Rayne

Morning All

Rayne’s PC was taken out buy the thunder storm last night

it is not booting up.
I think it is the power supply

She is not sure when she will be back online


heroes over europe

hey guys has any one tryed heroes over europe if yes is it any good

nvr judge a book (or game) by its front cover

Every now and then i wonder into video ezy to see what new movies or games are out. ever since it came out, i kept on thinking that army of 2 was some kind of alien thing but the other day i decided 2 go and hire it cos i was so bored. it turned out to 1 of the best games i hav ever played(but not the vry best). Its basically two guys who are army contractors. you fight terrorists, blow stuff up etc. i highly recommend this game even though it isnt very new.

possible replacement for quake wars

by the looks of it it has 2 types of play single player going through movie like play through or a team death match kind of set up along with what looks to be a gears of war style of running around shooting ect

equals 3

This guy is so funny. just go 2 youtube and type in equals 3 to find more.

n0mad's picture


As U may be aware I like my RPG games and every n0w and then I say
“Why can’t I just Kill things, l00t and Level up with0ut reading t0ns 0f text”

Well that game has arrived in the vain/style 0f the 0ld Diablo
actually d0ing justice t0 it and that game is Torchlight

Now US$19.99 ain’t a bad price f0r this simple yet effective game but
f0r this weekend 0nly it’s 50% off making it US$9.99 Sale Ended

I would highly rec0mmend U jump at it if y0u like ya RPG games simple but 0hh s0 much addictive….

Hashy's picture

AVP3 Appeal Successful! Ban Overturned!


Yes. Good. =)

Now 15 year olds will be able to cut off heads and collect and trophies, and eat their way out of a humans chest.. First the stomach.. mmm, then, the ribcage, oh yes.. Maybe an extra layer of flesh or two in between somewhere.

Now this is by all means, a mostly win situation for the current move to bring in an R18+. It does highlight the need for that category. We can still do what we’ve always done, and push some of those game through under the MA15+ classification, but we really do need to straighten out our system. To be honest, Australian teenagers are no more mature or responsible then those from other countries. I used to think when I was younger that, wow, the Australian government reckons were more mature and responsible, we get these games when were 15, and we can legally smoke when were 16.

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