
ok this vid is on youtube im sorry i dont know how to put the vid link into a box thingy yet ok but heres the link

ltmon's picture

Smokin' Guns 1.1 Beta

A beta of the 1.1 version of Smokin’ Guns is available:

The download is on the linked page.

To install this, you have to:

1. Copy (I said COPY) your Smokin’ Guns install to a new folder
2. Unzip the beta on top of your new copy. When prompted, allow it to overwrite files. This way you only need to dowload the 21MB of changes, rather than the whole lot.
3. Run the game and have fun

The catch: You can only connect to 1.1beta servers with the 1.1beta client. There’s one pub server running it… with a nice 400 ping for us all :)

Maybe Robag can get a second server running?


Oh NO!

Damn it! ran into a problem that jiggling the cable can’t fix… why you ask?

Ahh, well I put my old P4 back together and got it working, but as I prepared to kill my internet and connect the two pc’s together to do a virus sweep, I realised I had forgotten one vital thing.

I ran out of power cables !!! ahhhh lol. I’m staring at a damn cable that had the audacity to be found with a different GPO pin arrangement. Feck.

But to the good news, there may soon be two crazy people online ;)

n0mad's picture

Painkiller SPECIAL 0n Steam

What d0es $30.00 bucks get ya n0w days…..

h0w ab0ut the best FN 0ld sk00l FPS plus 2 Expansi0ns Packs plus the yet 2 B released Painkiller: Resurrection
Steam Painkiller: Resurrection SPECIAL
That’s right U get;

The Orig0nal – Painkiller
The Expansion Pack – Battle Out of Hell
an0ther Expansion Pack – Painkiller Overdose
And the New – Painkiller: Resurrection

Been thinking 0f this game al0t when discussing 0ld sk00l FPS and while seeing the usual BORING Steam specials this comes along…..

D0uble gr0use….
Triple gr0use…..
This is gr0use to the 4……..

Vide0 – Plus Metal Music

HarassmentPanda's picture

Another Borderlands Post

So my commissary to all fellow IPX’ers is here. I’m sorry that I have to say this and I deeply regret that it has come to this but…

Last night I got to play Borderlands at Atomic HQ – so suck that!

As per the line above the rest of this post will also contain releases of gloating (which I have pre-apologised for) and useless observations. I ended up there because I ‘won’ a spot in that competition I posted up. It meant we got an invite to the Atomic HQ to play borderlands and get some Beer (TED, Hahn Super Dry and James Boag’s Premium Light mmm) and Pizza in us.

What little beasties may end up floating around in left4dead

Coming soon to a l4d game near you ;)

Hashy's picture

Norway Says: Obama A Man of Peace...... =/
“President Obama said Friday that he was “surprised and deeply humbled” by the decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award him the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.” CNN

Ok… Ill be in Antarctica, getting drunk with the refugee penguins.

Hashy's picture

L4D2 - MA15+ Edition,28348,26182654-5014239,00.html

So Valve went ahead with a “censored” version of the new game, and it looks like they have approved it for retail in Australia.

Ahh yes, the olden days of the Dragonball Z Quake 3 mod “Bid for Power”… There was a huge row over that because of legal issues with Funimation and us using their cartoon characters and names for attack moves and stuff. The solution; replace the characters with original creations and rename the attack moves… The communitys response post release; add the Dragonball Z models pack and rename the attack moves.

Sha8doW's picture


Hi All

Miss me?

So you been sitting there, after my last post, excitement building, gripping your chairs with anticipation, eager to find out what adventures Shad had been on. He's been missing for over a week now!
you ask yourself after wiping the tears of joy, and pure anticipation....
"Where has shad been?" "What could have made shad miss updating the SoO ladder table dealie?"

Well, I will tell you upfront, last week I spent nights in, Hobart, Launceston, Melbourne, Sydney and my home City of Canberra. majority of the last 8 days have been spent away from home!
the thing about traveling for work, as glamorous as it sounds is you never stop working. Your normally up at around 5am and you think of work. You have breakfast while either discussing work or thinking of it. You go to work. You come home, thinking of work. You then go to dinner, discuss work/think of work. Then go to bed around 11:30 thinking of work (that's if you don't have to prep/read anything for the next day). So by about 1am, when you finally fall asleep. you've about had enough work.

Try doing that for 5 nights... well, After 5 nights of that, a man has had enough.

Here ends the post of shads adventure for anyone under the age of 18... If your over 18 you can read on.

To all the girls out there Rayne Miss mattuide ;)

Advantages Of Being A Woman
Why it’s better to be a Woman!

1. We got off the Titanic first.

2. We get to flirt with systems support men who always return our calls, and are nice to us when we blow up our computers.

3. Our boyfriend’s clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous. Guys look like complete idiots in ours.

4. We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.

5. We can cry and get off speeding fines.

6. We’ve never lusted after a cartoon character or the central female figure in a computer game.

7. Taxis stop for us.

8. Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on the life insurance.

9. We don’t look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

10. Free drinks, Free dinners, Free movies … (you get the point).

11. We can hug our friends without wondering if she thinks we’re gay.

12. We can hug our friends without wondering if WE’RE gay.

13. New lipstick gives us a whole new lease on life.

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