Microman's picture

I qualified for a free three free games on steam!

I am a proud owner of an Nvidia card, and so could get HL2:Lost Coast, HL2:Death Match, and Portal:First Slice

Currently I am downloading just HL2:Deathmatch. Apparently it includes the source SDK, and so I can play mods!

I don’t have to buy anything =D.

If anybody else has an Nvidia GeForce card or an ATI Radeon card, you are eligible for free games too! http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=851573 Press the install link, and steam will check your gear. Lucky us!

Depending on how big this download will be, I’ll get Insurgency too!

Sha8doW's picture

A few tips

I’d like to take the opportunity to remind everyone of a few IPX rules, common courtesy and common sense in general!

Without being to overbearing and quoting rule numbers:

IPX doesn’t Cheat…. this includes exploits etc.
IPX doesn’t tolerate SPAM!
Fun and a little ribbing in game is accepted. But abuse, bullying, racism etc is NOT acceptable! – Dont make people feel bad. Be mindful of other people when playing. Remember its about perception, not intent!
Also, doing things that bring IPX and the IPX name into disrepute are unacceptable.

You wear the – IPX jersey… you’re an ambassador of the team. You’re expected to uphold the Values and obey the Rules of IPX. We pride ourselves on being organised, and professional. Many IPX members spend a lot of time making IPX into a better place for everyone. If you act like a “Truckhead” it reflects poorly on all of us!

I’d like to point out a few common courtesy points when playing online.
Admins deserve respect.
Server owners deserve respect.
– Playing on their servers are a privilege not a right. Their servers, their rules. If you dont like them, play elsewhere.
If you TK someone, say sorry…. Its not that hard as TKing should be an accident anyway. If your intentionally TKing… I expect your resignation!

Finally. Apologies go a long way. If you screw up, fessing up with a little honesty and a “sorry” can defuse most situations.

Add ems

Here is a little poem for you, if you have one of your own add it cause i am bored without the internet will check in as much as possible and add more…..

I woz ere
Now I’ve gone
I left my name to turn you on
Those who know me
Know me well
Those who don’t
Can go to hell


Sha8doW's picture

New Game Possibility (& Svalbard Grab)

In my never ending quest for new Games for IPX to play… (and also due to the Wolf-EPIC-en-FAIL-stien) Ive ramped up the quest while we wait for the next “ET:QW” to come out (Maybe Borderlands, Brink or Battlefield Heroes), and to supplement our “ET:QW, ET:W, Padman, SG’s, Insurgency & L4D” Fun nights

I also think its important to try and keep us all together playing and to bring back some of the older IPXers. Also FREE is often high on my selection criteria

Attached some links below for some new games/mods/betas which I & Fuzz will be Downloading & Trying out through the week. Feel free to DL and come and test with us. (FYI some are HL2 mods which require the Source Engine… so be careful)

Kraizen's Stats

Considering that I am getting very close to FINALLY getting supreme commander in QW’s, one rank away, i thought i’d examine (and share with you all) my stats.




Sha8doW's picture

SoO - GA - ET:QW

Games played on Weekly on Sundays

SoO – GA ETQW Played Won Drawn Lost Points For Points Against Total Points +/-
QLD 2* 1 1 0 8 6 3* +2
ACT/NSW 2* 1 1 0 8 6 3* +2
VIC 2* 0 1 1 6 8 2* -2
The REST 2* 0 1 1 6 8 2* -2

Edit: Monday 21 September
*SoO Week two, Games played via player shuffle. 1 point awarded to each team

GA SoO Forum

Heya Guys

Missing our friday night zombie massacres

I am doing well and if all goes well should be back online in few weeks



What did we do in the days when there was no internet?? can anyone remember?????



this is what i made on friday they are caramel tarts with a toffe shard in the top and chicken balls and cheese and ham cresents

Hashy's picture

c0ns0le gaming..

Having never grown up with a console myself ( a real modern upto date console i do mean..), the opportunity thrust upon me, if you will, to get the hang of one finally now has been interesting, but has mostly only confirmed much of what I already would have assumed about them.

Growing up with the PC ( Thank goodness for it too!), I had become accustomed to the concept of “modding”. Blessed is he, who strikes down on those with great vengeance, and furious furry shiny things out of place in a shooting game.
Always frusterated with the inconsistent frame rates with PC, not always having a state of the art graphics card, would just make you look in awe at the console and their seemingly “flawless” graphics, both in quality and smoothness.

Sha8doW's picture

No NHL10 on PC.... EA - EPIC FAIL!

F*ck You EA, F*ck You!

We all know that EA are chuntbunglers….. But this is the final straw.

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