Robag's picture

Yes Yes Yes

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

oww and by the way i hope this page updates

Supreme Commander w00t


Funny joke

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn’t seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his cellphone and calls the emergency services. He gasps: “My friend is dead! What can I do?” The operator says: “Calm down, I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”

There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says: “OK, now what?”

lindeman island

hey guys just posting to let you all know im going on holidays on friday and wont be back for a week and yeah i ll cya all when im back


hmmmm chicken

n0mad's picture

God Clan again

God Clan have been pestering me for many years while playing Padman, and as many of U know
they have never 1 a game against me or any other IPX players who play Padman.

They now are trying to smear my name in ETQW forcing me to post here

I ask Team IPX to support me in this forum post and remind Nomad121 who is the real n0mad

BRING IT ON………………….

Sha8doW's picture

Breaking News: Rumors surface that LEGO wants to Immortalise TeamIPX

Breaking News: Rumors surface that LEGO wants to Immortalise TeamIPX

Unreliable sources have contacted me to gauge my comments on rumors that Lego was going make Team IPX min figures… (Basically Lego Men). Up untill now, ive had Zero Comment! However late last night i was contacted again by more reportors, this time one presented me with this:

Hashy's picture

Left 4 Dead 2 Banned in Australia ( Thanks once again OFLC)

OFLC – Oh For the Love of Christ.,28348,26086374-5014239,00.html

Enjoy. Another piece of socio-political psychological manipulation by the Australian government. Maybe they just don’t like a game coming out that implicates the governments in releasing deadly viruses upon the population of the world because it bears too much resemblance to their current biological and sociological tests they are conducting RIGHT NOW with their so called “swine flu” hahahahha

n0mad's picture

IGN Borderlands Review

I highly praise IGN f0r telling us “GamerZ” what is wr0ng with a game with0ut sugar c0ating it and talking up a game with0ut atleast play testing it.

So if U are 0bsessed with this game like me check0ut
Further into the Borderlands Impressions after several hours of play with Gearbox’s shooter for loot hunters.

Really one of my favorite bits of the game – and it’s pretty nerdy, but considering the subject matter, I figure that’s ok – is how the user interface is set up. There are numbers everywhere in Borderlands

mmmmm n0mberZ


Kraizen will not rickroll pinge again


My apology

Dear Rosie

I am sending this message regarding the ban

1. I am most sorry for the team kill on sewer, but I did try to avoid hitting u but end up getting the wall

2. I am even sorrier for back chat and raging at you and sorry for anything that may of hurt u

3. I am most greatly sorry for abusing the privileged of being on your sever and I thank you for paying $35 so that etqw player can have a great time on your sever. Your sever your rules

4. I promise to commitment to not being a further disruptive if allowed to play on the sever. If I offended in any other way I take hit.plz don’t have anything against the ipx team as they have done nothing wrong.

If I have offended you in any way I am most sorry for my action. It’s a privileged not a right to be on your sever.

Thank u for listening yours sincerely, silent shadow

Robag's picture

More Video from the Borderlands and L4D DLC News

check it out boys and girls
one more Borderland Video

Borderlands Movie

More L4D DLC Planned [Sep 11, 2009, 08:48 am ET]
Now for some good news: There is more DLC for Left 4 Dead coming after CrashCourse. We were given a rough idea of what it should be, however we were asked not to talk too much about it so it didn’t “influence the creative process”. I can tell you this: it’ll either be a new Special Infected, a new Campaign or new Weapon(s). It’s definitely one of the three, perhaps more. This is pretty much the only thing that we were asked not to talk about (remember, asked we didn’t sign anything). To that end, we’ll continue to bug Chet about this after Crash Course drops.

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