ltmon's picture

Steaming along on Linux

Big thanks to Kazashi who gifted me with a steam copy of Half-Life 2 to play with.

Because I don’t “do” Windows, I had to find a way to run this, and Wine ( provided the solution. Steam runs fine, and HL2 runs in 1680×1050 with all “High” graphics settings (without HDR lighting) at high framerates.

This also meant I could try out Insurgency, which I did with a little less success. The game runs fine, but the framerates are very choppy even with low low settings. I’ll be getting a minimal config and trying that at some stage. I’ve heard that beta 3 is a bit of a performance hog on Windows, wheras beta 2 wasn’t, so possibly future updates will make this more playable. Any comments from more experienced Insurgents?

L4D is also purported to run just fine on Wine these days, so I might break down and buy a copy (when I finish HL2).


Robag's picture

3 Stars - IPX vs ADA - GA Season 5 Free Play

0% (0 votes)
33% (3 votes)
22% (2 votes)
33% (3 votes)
0% (0 votes)
11% (1 vote)
Total votes: 9
Fuzz's picture


Yep, still do
26% (5 votes)
Nope, I quit
11% (2 votes)
Nope, never really did
63% (12 votes)
Total votes: 19
chipper's picture


I’ll keep this brief as i can’t be stuffed doing a long review. After much anticipation i picked up RTCW2 this week. There has been a fair bit of hype and bluster about this game and with mixed accounts from the leaked beta i wasn’t really sure what to expect.

First impressions of the multiplayer version are: – the interface and game browser blow. – the game itself isn’t bad. it feels a bit clumsy to start with but so did etqw. – In terms of pace it is no where near as quick as et but is probably on par with etqw. – not sure what to make of the whole vail thing. i like my games relatively simple (et is still the best game ever in my books) so it is hard to adapt to this new dimension. – weapons seem fine but i haven’t played with all of them yet. – there seem to be a lot of lag spikes in game with players going to 999 ping for no apparent reason and servers failing.

First impressions of the singleplayer version are:

Fuzz's picture

Site downtime - 5:15PM Sydney Time - 30/08/2009

Sorry for the short notice but I’ll be taking the site down for 30 to 60 mins at 5:15PM today.

Reason: To resolve



If you have a persistent login, can see this and it’s after 5:15, please log out now.



everyone that uses hotmail or msn are in 4 a big shock. starting in 2 months we are all going to have to pay a monthly fee because there are only 300 names left that are under 10 words. there are only that many names left because people are making more than 1 account. if you have got 1 account dont make another one. The MSN company will not give fees if the amount of people making accounts decreases next month. pass this on to everyone that you know uses MSN or hotmail. please dont make any extra accounts or you will pay (literally)

Sha8doW's picture

Broken Water

4:41pm Shad’s misses waters just broked!


most funtional english word


ouch :(

a few days ago i left to go to the snow. it was my 1st time. i was riding a snowboard. i was going alright for the 1st 2 hours but as i was going down a run i went into a soft patch of snow. the front of my board dug in and i went forward but my leg didnt, then something happened i cant remember because i slammed my head into the snow. i woke up to find myself on the back of a skiidoo (snow mobile). i was taken to the 1st aid place. a few hours later i had to hobble to the bus. i got in and i had to lie down in the middle to keep my leg straight. the 4hr trip home was Xtremely painful. when i got home i went straight 2 hospital. i got an x-ray and it shows i fractured the bottom part of my leg (dont know what its called) underneath my nee-cap. i also had ligament damage. i am now on crutches.
if my leg repairs itself im going back next year :)

Robag's picture

backup mumble server + IPX Gaming server down

Hi All

i have setup a backup mumble Server

port number 64738

no password

give it a go


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